Hair Care 💇🏽‍♀️

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10 Best Coconut Oil Hair Mask

Coconut oil hair mask is being used for centuries. It has the power to make your hair strong, shiny, and much more benefits to reap from it. Coconut oil is not just the ordinary oil, it's benefits are beyond skin and hair. Coconut oil can give you lustrous, smooth and silky hair. It is rich in antioxidants and they provide essential nutrition to hairs. Antioxidants like Vitamin E and Vitamin K is found in coconut oil and we know how these vitamins are vital for the health of hairs. Vitamin E and K help repair and build healthy tissues. When you apply coconut oil to scalp, it reduces inflammation and  done to hairs by chemical-filled hair products. Vitamin E and K will make hairs soft, manageable and shiny.

1. For Hair Growth: 1-2 tablespoons of virgin Coconut oil and 5 drops of rosemary essential oil. Take a large bowl containing hot water. Now take coconut oil in a small bowl and place it in the large bowl containing hot water. This process will warm the coconut oil. Now, mix rosemary essential in it and apply the warmed oil to the scalp and hair and give a gentle massage for 5-10 minutes.  You can keep the hair oil as an overnight hair mask or you can wash it off after 1 hour with a mild herbal or organic shampoo .

2. For Dandruff: 1-2 tablespoon virgin Coconut oil, 5 drops of tea tree essential oil and 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice.

Mix coconut oil with tea tree oil and add fresh lemon juice and mix well. Apply this oil on the scalp and give a gentle massage of 5 minutes. Wear a shower cap and rinse it with mild organic or herbal anti-dandruff shampoo after 1 hour. Repeat it 2 times in a week for fast result.

Tea tree oil and lemon juice are very effective in fighting dandruff. Both have an antimicrobial property to kill the microbes and make healthy scalp. Tea tree oil can soothe the itchy scalp, remove dandruff, and promote hair growth. Another remedy for dandruff can be, mix 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel with coconut oil to give extra nutrients to the scalp. Aloe Vera is very effective for all hair woes. It repairs damaged hair and makes hair manageable and shiny.

3. For Leave-In Conditioner: 2-3 tablespoon virgin coconut oil, 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar, 20 drops rosemary essential oil, and 1/2 cup distilled water.

Mix apple cider vinegar, melted coconut oil, rosemary oil and distilled water in a spray bottle and shake well. Spray this conditioner from middle to tip of your hair and let it dry for some minute. Rosemary oil will help you with hair growth and apple cider vinegar will make your hair shiny and smooth.

Coconut is very effective as a leave-in conditioner. It helps you to manage your hair for a whole day and makes them soft and shiny.

4. For Hair Loss: 1-2 tablespoon virgin coconut oil,7 drops of rosemary essential oil, and 1 tablespoon fresh ginger juice.

Take 2-3 inches of fresh ginger root and extract the juice from that. Now mix the ginger juice with coconut oil and rosemary oil and apply this to your scalp. Keep this mixture for about 20-30 minutes and rinse it off with a mild organic or herbal shampoo. Repeat this 2-3 times in a week.

Ginger is great for hair loss as it is rich in potassium, magnesium and vitamin E which make it best for treating hair loss problem. Coconut oil when mixed with ginger juice, it's become the most powerful treatment to treat hair loss. Both have antibacterial and antifungal properties which kill microbes and unclog the hair follicle to grow new hair.

5. For Split Ends: 1-2 tablespoon virgin coconut oil, 2- eggs and 1 tablespoon honey.

Take eggs and mix coconut oil well. Now, add honey to the mixture and apply to the scalp and hair. Keep it for at least 30-40 minutes and wash it off with herbal or organic shampoo. You can repeat it for at least once a week.

This egg and coconut oil hair mask will provide the nutrients necessary to improve dry and damaged hair with split ends. Eggs have the maximum amount of protein that makes hair soft and shiny and also promotes hair growth. Honey will deeply moisturize your scalp and makes the scalp healthy.

6. For Deep Conditioner: 1-2 tablespoon virgin coconut oil, 1 tablespoon shea butter and 1 tablespoon honey. Take coconut oil, shea butter, and honey in a bowl. Now, melt the shea butter and coconut oil on low flame and mix honey when it cools down. Make partitions of your hair and apply the hair conditioner from root to tip of the hair and on the scalp too. Keep it for 1 hour and rinse it off with the shampoo . Repeat at least once a week.

7. For Hair Detangler: 2-3 tablespoon virgin coconut oil, 2 tablespoon, 15 drops lavender essential oil and 1 cup purified water. Take a hairspray container and add one cup water and mix 2-3 tablespoons of coconut oil, 2 tablespoons of organic conditioner and 15 drops of lavender essential oil. Seal the container and shake it well before application. Spray this solution on your tangled hair very well. Start from the tip of the hairs. Make several partitions of your hair and firstly detangle your hair from a tip by combing it slowly with a wide tooth comb and slowly move to the upper direction of your hair and finish that section of your hair before going to the next section.

8. For Itchy Scalp: 1-2 tablespoon virgin coconut oil and 7 drops of tea tree essential oil. Take 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and mix 7 drops of tea tree oil and apply to the scalp daily. Coconut oil and tea tree oil have the anti-microbial property which kills the microbes causing and spreading infection and also calms the itchy scalp. Coconut oil exfoliates the skin and tea tree oil unclogs the hair pores. Tea tree oil is also very effective in hair growth and dandruff.

9. Frizzy Hair: 2 tablespoon virgin coconut oil and 7 drops cedarwood essential oil. Mix both the ingredients. Start with small quantity and apply coconut oil from root to tip and use your hair styling tool to do your hairstyle. Do avoid putting more oil on your hair, this can make hair sticky.Coconut oil is a very good styling product. Different hair styling tool like hair dryer, curler, straightener make hair rough and dry. Use coconut oil for hair styling, this will lock the moisture from hair and make it smooth and silky. Some people have naturally thick curly and frizzy hair, for them, coconut oil is best to use for daily purpose and making those curly locks soft and manageable.

10. For Dry Hair: 2 tablespoon virgin coconut oil, 1 cup yogurt and 1 tablespoon sunflower oil.

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and apply it on your scalp and hair. Leave it for 30-40 minutes and then shampoo your hair with a mild shampoo. Repeat it once a week.

Natural yogurt is full of protein, it offers nourishment that our hair needs to grow strong and healthy. It also has fat that moisturizes your hair and makes for a great natural conditioner.

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