Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 

Midday hits and I start feelin’ tired. My eyes droop as I sit and eat lunch, barely nibblin’ on an apple ‘cause I just don’t have the energy ta’ take a full bite a’ the thing. Everybody else at the table is draggin’ ass too. Hershel, Maggie, and Glenn didn’t even show up fer lunch, and a very tired-lookin’ Rick informed us that they were sleepin’ when we asked about ‘em. Michonne and Daryl are blinkin’ to keep themselves awake, and Carl looks half dead. Judith is on the verge a’ makin’ a fuss and she’s rubbin’ at her eyes and yawnin’. 

“I’m gonna go take a nap and put Judith down,” Carl announces with a yawn. He stands, hoists the sleepy baby onto his hip, and then walks off towards the prison. 

“Kid’s got the right idea. I’m beat too,” Daryl declares. He gets up and walks off without another word, and Michonne leaves not too long after, sayin’ that she’s gonna go ta’ sleep too. I watch her walk off after Daryl and pretty much make up my mind that they’re at least foolin’ around. Somehow, I think there’s a little but more than just a physical attraction there too. They care fer each other in some way, I think.

Rick and I are the only ones left now. I feel nervous bein’ around him since Carol told me that Rick thinks I’m pretty. I feel all nervous like I’m a sixteen-year-old girl on her first date, and I don’t like it. I’m usually much better around men, even ones I have feelin’s for.

“I wanna talk to ya’,” Rick says quietly after we sit in silence fer a few minutes. I look at him nod.

“Here?” I make sure ta’ whisper. Rick shakes his head.

“My room would be better,” he says. My mind goes straight to the gutter like always, but I manage ta’ get it outta there so I don’t blush in front a’ Rick. I know what he means. The common area is too public and my cell won’t work either. 


The two of us get up and walk back into the prison, chattin’ about nothin’ in particular on the way. We travel down that familiar corridor past the rooms a’ couples and familes, and I find it much less threatenin’ in the daylight. Rick ducks into Carl and Judith’s room, smilin’ and tellin’ me that they’re both passed out in their beds. I have ta’ bite my tongue ta’ keep from sayin’ somethin’ about how I just wanna lay down and pass out like that. 

Rick shows me into his room, which has nothin’ more than a double bed, a nightstand, and a dresser in it. “I love what ya’ did with the space!” I declare, tryin’ ta’ imitate those peppy interior designers from the home channel. I earn laugh from Rick and a playful leer.

“I’m a man. I don’t need no decoratin’,” Rick tells me. I smile at him and laugh a little, and Rick’s smile changes into somethin’ more fond and less laughin’. My heart does this stupid flutter in my chest and my stomach flips. 

“What did ya’ wanna talk about?” I ask Rick as he shuts the door, leanin’ against it when it’s closed. He shrugs.

“Just wanted ta’ thank ya’ again fer lookin’ after my kids. I’m sorry I had ta’ wake ya’ up like that. I was just worried that Beth couldn’t defend herself and the kids if it came down ta’ that. I was really scared last night.” Rick crosses his arms and glances down at his shoes. I just stand awkwardly, not sure whether or not I should sit down on the bed. I wanna ‘cause it would feel better than standin’ here like a dunce, but then again, I don’t wanna send Rick the wrong message. 

“You’re welcome. It wasn’t a problem. You were a lot calmer than some a’ the parents I’ve dealt with before, so I wasn’t phased.” I smile at Rick and he returns the gesture.

Scarlett (Rick Grimes/OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن