Chapter 02

392 16 2

While entering the school gate as usually girls all over the school came running like elephants to the boys saying

"How's your day oppa??" with a caring tone

And all they could only say is

"We're fine"

"How's your day also"

And "You all look pretty today

"Hey guys I'll go first bye oh yeah, and good luck" I said giving them a thumbs up and all they could only say is

"W--wait for us Miya!!" I heard all the guys say but I just walked like I heard nothing while laughing at them

"Poor guys" I said


When I entered the classroom I was immediately pushed into the wall by Lee Kim the girl whose, I don't know I think let's just say jealous of me because I'm always with the guys especially with Xiumin because she has a crush on him for a long time I mean really,very long since the first day of school and she even threaten me but that couldn't stop me hanging out with the guys .

"Why are you still hanging out with my oppas and especially Xiumin?!" She said shouting right in front of me

"Why do you care I'm there best friend for your information" I said calmly

Suddenly I felt a sting in my left cheek then I realized she slapped me really hard that my cheek turned red

"Don't you dare talk to me like that you don't know who you are talking to" She said angrily and then she pushed me again really hard to cause my back pain to worsen

"What's your problem you already know what happened to me yesterday!!!" I said shouting while holding my back good thing only me and Kim are in the classroom because all of my classmates are out side doing things before class starts.


I was getting ready for high jump practice for the upcoming tournament next month when our coach called me because it was my turn to jump I started running as fast as I can to help me jump high as possible but suddenly my force is to weak that caused my back to hit the pole that caused my back to hurt so much that I can't stand,

The coach and team mates came to me with worried faces

"Miya are you all right?!" Couch Jun asked very worried but I can't answer because of the pain I'm feeling

"Can you stand?!" Said one of my team mates but I could only nodded my head left and right that means I can't stand

My couch carried me to infirmary to check my back for injury and in a minute the pain has loosen a bit just enough not to feel it when I walk,stand or sit the nurse said that I will recover in a week or 2 but to recover quickly I should avoid getting hit at the back then the nurse left and coach told me to rest first before going home and left me I heard someone came in but it's not the boys it's Kim she immediately laughs

"What's so funny??"I asked calmly

"Oh nothing I'm just concerned why don't you want that? me being concerned for you??" She said sarcastically

"What do you really want?!" I said in an angry tone

"If you don't want the guys especially Xiumin to know you should avoid them or else-" She then stop

"Or else what?" I asked

"Do you really want to know Miya? fine then I'll tell them that you hurt you back because you are so careless" Kim said seriously

I then felt a little worried for the guys because when they got worried they will not let you walk and sometimes they get paranoid, I have no choice but to agree with her cause I don't want them to worry to much but then I don't want to leave them even for a minute well sometimes, I can when a group of girls comes running after them, I have no choice then

"Fine I-i'll leave them alone" I said hesitantly
"Good" Kim said and walks out the door

When she is finally gone I felt a tear slide through my cheeks but I can't help it and cried really hard.


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