Chapter 14

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I was waiting for the doctor to come out from the operating room then Miy's parent came

"Thank you Xiumin for calling us" her mother said

"Xiumin what happened" her father ask

"Miy saved my girlfriend from being hit by a truck I'm very sorry" I said bowing to them

"It's okay Xiumin you don't need to apologize first we need to know what will our daughter situation is and she will continue her recovery in States" her father said

"Is she really going in the States?" I ask

"Yes, she already decided but I don't know if she will change her decision"her father said then

Suddenly the doctor came out from the operating room and takes off his mask and said

"She will be okay but she needs to stay in here for 2 weeks or more so she can fully recover the blood she lost, she is very lucky though"

I was relieve that she is okay and so is her parents then he puts his hand on my shoulder and said

"You have a lucky girlfriend young man"

"Oh no were not couples were just childhood friends I already have a girlfriend sir" I said

"Really?? you know you two look great together" the doctor said the he bows to me and Miy's parents then leaves

I'm glad she's safe now

"Xiumin were going to see Miya do you want to come" her mother ask me

"Yes aunty" I immediately answer

After a few minutes of walking we arrive in front of Miy's room her mother allows me to go inside to keep Miy company while they talk to the doctor when I open the door I saw Miy wearing a gas mask on her face, a neck brace and her arm and her other foot in bandages the bandages in her fingers was taken off while she was in the operation room I hold her soft hands and saw wounds that surrounded her hands then

I felt tears flowing down my cheeks and said
"I'm sorry Miy for everything I couldn't protect you I'm so selfish I only think about Kim and myself I didn't even know you have this wound you always say your okay but I can feel it that your not okay I'm sorry Miy I'm really sorry"

Tears kept flowing down my cheeks  suddenly her fingers move

"You don't to be sorry oppa, you've protect me every time and please don't say your selfish you are not selfish okay don't say that" she said then tears falls into her eyes

"Miy!! thank goodness your awake" I said then I hug her

"I promise I'll protect you with my life "I said letting her go

"You don't have to protect me oppa you have someone to protect, you need to protect your girlfriend not me your stupid childhood friend" she said

Then my tears starts falling again

"Yah don't say that you are stupid your not stupid and I know that besides I want to protect you this time" I said still crying then her parents came in and saw Miy awake

"Honey!! thank goodness your awake" her parents said

They run to Miy I move away a little to make them some room and saw Miy's lips say

"Thank you oppa and I love you" I smiled to her

After an hour

"Xiumin do you want to ride with us home if you want??" her father ask

"Can I stay with Miya for a while"I ask

"Are you sure Xiumin?" her father ask

"Yes uncle I can go home myself" I answer

"Okay will be going know we need to prepare Miya's clothes and stuff while she is still recovering here in the hospital" her mother said I bowed to them then they left I look at Miy

"You really are going to States huh?" I ask

"Yeah I have to do it for my family, I want to help because they always work hard for us two" she answer the tears begins to flow out in her eyes

"I don't want to go I just want to stay here with you, the guys and my family but I've already have a decision I'm sorry Xiumin you have to see this side of me"

"Don't cry Miy when you get back here in Korea I promise were going to get you in the airport and I'm going to by you your favorite ice cream please don't cry Miy I don't want to see you crying" I said and hug her then after an hour I decide to go home

"I'm going now" I said

"Okay thank you oppa and I love you" she said

Suddenly I kiss her in the lips I can't control myself from kissing her but when I'm with Kim I feel like I made the wrong decision do I have feelings for Miy?? then I let her go

"Why did you kiss me?" she ask

"I don't know, okay I'll be going now" I said and leave

I touched my lips it still have Miy's warmth then I saw Kim flirting with another guy but I don't feel angry but I felt angry when the guys flirt with Miy and the time that Kai and Kris carried Miy in bridal style in the pool and jumped but she's my girlfriend why don't I feel angry if she flirt with other guys??

She saw me and push the guy it's Aki one of the playes in the soccer team I'm in and so is Luhan his the teams heartthrob but we don't care anyway

"Oppa how's Miy??" she said walking to me

"Not now Kim I'll go home oh and I'm breaking up with you" I said walking away from her

"What?! why?? but oppa!!" she said but I didn't look back because I felt I've made the right decision I passed by Aki

"You know you can flirt with her I've broken with up her anyway" I said then I walk out from the hospital

I saw a park I remember this it's were me and the guys first met Miy


I heard a girl crying by the swings when I arrived I saw a cute girl crying she is dressed like a princess maybe she is rich

"Are you okay??" I asked the crying girl

"M-my f-feet i-it h-hurts" she answered

"Xiumin!!!! where are you" I heard the guys scream

"I'm here guys a girl is crying over here!!!" I screamed

"Hey what's your name??" I asked softly

"M-my n-name i-is P-park M-miya" she answered still crying

"Don't cry Miya" I said then the guys came

"Hey Xiumin we've been looking for you" said Suho

"Who's this girl anyway" he added

"Her name is Park Miya" I answered

"Park Miya?? are you the daughter of Park Hyo Ri and Park Rea Soo?" Suho hyung asked

"Y-yes" she answered finally she stoped crying

"Miya meet the guys I'm Suho this is Xiumin,Kris,Kai,Luhan,Chen,Lay,D.O,Tao,Chanyeol,Beakhyun and Sehun" he said

"You guys are so many" she said laughing

"Hey Miya can we call you Miy??" Tao asked

"Yes you can me that" she said then we all became close


I sit on one of the swings in the park and starts to cry

Why Miy has to be in this situation why does she always acts like she's okay why Miy why?? I ask myself and suddenly it begins to snow

I wish you can see this from the hospital your hospital room Miy I always want to say I love you in personal not as a childhood friend but as a lover

I realized I don't love Kim I love Miy my sweet, kind and beautiful childhood friend

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