Chapter 21

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Woohoo another chapter for you guys!!

Honestly, I am so grateful to everyone reading this story, in the past week I have gotten almost 500 extra reads and it's blowing my mind. 



An hour later I had finished all my work and was just about to walk out when the door flew open and a small blur entered. I laughed as Marty came to a quick stop in front of me, his brown eyes looked up at me with excitement and he was bouncing up and down on his toes.

"Come on mama Ally. Let's go, let's go" He grabbed my hand and began pulling me from the room.

"I'm coming little wolf, slow down" I chuckled but that didn't stop him, he kept pulling until we were outside.

I pulled him to a stop as we entered the tree line and stooped down "Up you get, we'll get there faster if I run"

Without any hesitation, Marty jumped onto my back and locked his arms around my neck, damn near chocking me out, I adjusted his arms and made sure he was secure by holding onto his legs.

Where are we meeting you my love? I asked Damien through our mind link

The border, then we will walk there together. And I love it when you say that

Smiling softly, I took off into a run and into the woods. The trees all blurred together as I ran, I dodged the low hanging branches and jumped over tree roots. Marty was giggling away on my back, his laugh ringing out among the other sounds of the forest. It didn't take long before we reached the border between our territories. Damien was waiting, his long body was leaning against a tree casually. A picnic basket was sitting on the ground by his feet. He had changed since the last time I saw him. He was now wearing a pair of black dress pants that hugged his legs and his ass. The dark blue dress shirt was tight against his chest, the top few buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His strong forearms on display with the veins popping out as he flexed his muscles. I sighed, I always did have a thing for forearms.

M'anamchara, stop looking at me like that. Not while Marty is around

My stomach fluttered with anticipation, I was looking forward to tonight. Damien was staying the night and truthfully, I was most looking forward to just falling asleep in his arms. I stopped in front of him and stooped down so Marty could hop off. As soon as both feet were firmly planted on the ground, he ran to Damien and threw his arms around his legs.

"Damien! I missed you, what's that? Where are we going? How long are we staying?" Marty's mouth was moving a mile a minute, barely taking a breath.

Damien bent down and picked Marty up into his arms before walking over to me. He wrapped his free arm around my waist and pressed a kiss to my temple. I took a deep breath of his scent and felt my body relaxing, my wolf curled up in my mind in Ecstasy.

"Can you grab the basket love?"

"Of course" I grabbed the basket and we set off to our destination.

Damien was a couple of steps in front of me, still holding onto Marty. They were talking softly, heads bent together. I caught snippets of the conversation, Marty was telling him all about what he had been learning in school and what he most looking forward to.

We hadn't been walking very long before we entered a clearing. The breath was stolen right out of my body. In the middle of the clearing was a crystal clear lake, there was a small stream that connected the lake to the mountains. It was clear that the lake was a run off but it made it no less beautiful. The outcroppings of rocks were a perfect place to jump off, wild flowers grew in patches all around and the sun was shining through the trees and bouncing off the surface of the water.

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