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Aprils POV

I feel anger coursing through my veins and the call for blood is so loud that its becoming unbearable for me to ignore it. I remember the alphas blood, I remember how it tasted and how intoxicating it was and I remember the screams of my mate and his father as I inflicted pain upon them.

I remember the death of my foster parents so clearly as if it happened yesterday, I remember the person behind it all : Jake Currington.

"What the hell did you do that for? Do you know how long that took me to write?" Esmy shouts annoyed while kneeling down on the carpeted floor trying to reassemble the pieces of paper.

I stay quiet because all I can see is red and some part of me doesn't want her to see me this way, that same part worries that she'll never accept us if she knows what we have done.

"April freaking Sinclair Robinson! I'm talking to you!" She yells.

"Shut up!" I say angrily because I can't control it any more. "You have no freaking idea what I've been through!" I say looking straight into her eyes...

She does something that surprises me, she lowers her head down in a form of submission.... Why on earth would she submit to me? She's a freaking alpha for Goddess sake!

Suddenly, the front door flies open and Jason comes rushing in with a mixture of panic and worry on his face and instantly my anger dies down.

"Jason, what's wrong?" I ask while running towards him to check if he's okay.

"April, it's Dylan." He says while trying to catch his breath.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Esmy asks.

"There was an attack on the west border." He states.

It is then that I remember Dylan telling me how he was going to be patrolling the west border in the morning Oh My Goddess oh please no!

"Is he okay?" I ask worriedly.

"He was injured but don't worry he's not in a critical condition." He says while pulling me in his arms.

"No. Please.. I need to see him, where is he?" I ask holding onto him tighter.

"The pack hospital... I'll take you there." He offers. "Esmeralda are you coming?"

"No. I'll come and check on him later." She answers and looks at me with fury clear in her eyes and leaves the house.

Why is she angry at me? What on earth did I do?

"I pray to the Moon Goddess that one day you will love me,care for me and worry for me as much as you do for Dylan or even more." He whispers and if I were not a werewolf, I wouldn't have heard it.

"It definitely will be more." I say without thinking. Did I really just say that? "I mean.. Um... Because you're my mate" I say trying to sound normal.

"Come on April, just give me a chance ." He says softly while stroking my cheek.

That simple contact is enough to send jolts of electricity through out my whole being.
I remember Esmys advice and I mean, how long can I continue fighting these feelings?

"Okay.... But we need to fall in love naturally, not because of our wolves or our mate bond. Although, I know those will play a huge role but let's not let that be the main reason we end up together... Is that okay?" I ask.

"I understand April. Anything you want, I'll do it for you."

Anonymous POV

We attacked the moonstone pack today and left a message, I hope they will do as I've told them if not then I guess we'll just have to wage war on them.

I mean, who doesn't like a little bit of bloodshed anyway?

"Alpha one of them is not dead." A rogue tells me.

"Take me to him, I want my face to be the last thing that mutt sees before he dies!" I smile wickedly.

He leads me through the small forest and suddenly, the most intoxicating smell invades my senses..It smells like vanilla and I don't think I'll ever get tired of smelling it.

We soon come to a stop and he gestures at the figure, for some reason this is where the scent is strongest.

After a few seconds, realisation hits me! This figure is my mate and........ My enemy!


Hey guys!

I hope you liked this chapter 😉😉

Thanks so much for 10.2k reads❤❤❤ I don't know what I would do without you guys 🌹🌹🌹🌹

Next update on Saturday💙💙💙💙

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