Chapter 24: A Secret Is Revealed [Part 2]

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Lia James

I was scared to come to school the next day.

How were things supposed to be normal? I just witnessed one of my friends (sorta) holding a gun to a man's chest. I can't just act like everything is okay.

Everything from now on has changed.

I can't view Andrew the same way again. He wasn't the mysterious bad boy I depicted him to be. I found out his secret. He's no longer mysterious.

He's a suspicious, murderous, bad boy.

I'm not even sure if I can communicate with him anymore. It would bring images to my mind, and pretty disturbing ones.

I guess people weren't kidding when they said they were extremely afraid of him. But what if they don't know about him? What if they don't know he has the potential to kill someone at any second?

There's has to be more to this than what I saw. What if that guy had the gun before him and was trying to kill him? What if it was self-defense? Who am I kidding.

Despite the havoc of yesterday, I wanted to know more. I wanted to know why he was strapped with a gun, and why he decides to use it.

Can't you blame me for wanting clarity? Once I get that I'm definitely going to yoss myself out of that relationship, whatever the hell it is.

"Yo, James!" I heard a voice. I jerked my head so fast, only to find out it was Jace. He walked towards me with swag, clutching the strap of his Vans backpack.

"This is weird. I never see you in the morning." I told him, nudging my head for us to walk.

"I came here early. I had"

"Of course you did." I spoke sarcastically. "And did that business include a girl?"

"You know it did." He put his head down in defeat, and I laughed silently.

"Good lord, those poor girls." I said, and he gave me a confused stare.

"And poor you!" I added, but didn't really mean it. "But poor girls."

We both stopped at my locker so I could grab a couple books and folders for my morning classes. "She came onto me, so." Jace clarified and I still shook my head.

"Seriously? That's your excuse." I answered. "What's next? Are you going to tell me that you were sexually frustrated too?"

"Well, if you really want me to-"

"I don't." I replied quickly before he had a chance to say anything else.

"Hey, Lia, right?" I turned my head to see Dante, leaning against the lockers to my right.

"That's my name."

"Have you seen Lina? I've been looking for her all morning." He asked me.

"No, I haven't. Sorry. What's with the urgency?" I was genuinely curious.

"I got her coffee this morning and I wanted to give it to her before all the ice melts. She hates when that happens." I smiled at how caring Dante seemed to be. He really likes Lina.

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