Chapter 60: The Business Gala

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Lia James

"You know, I'm really glad you asked me if you could come dress shopping with me," Mrs. Price stated, taking a sharp turn. She had picked me up at my house when I had called her. "Jeremy was too much of a guy to come with me. He insisted he needed to spend more time with our boys, but I knew he was just making excuses to get out of it."

"Yeah, especially since Andrew told me he was getting fitted today for his suit." I had informed her, and she turned her head with a peculiar look.

"That stupid, stupid man. Thinks he can fool someone like me." She shakes her head. I laugh silently, watching the cars beside us pass by.

"They underestimate us too much Mrs. Price. We always find out everything." I agree with her, and she laughs as we take yet another turn.

"Indeed we do." She said. "It's Natalia, by the way. I don't understand why you always make things so formal. It's not like that for us."

"I totally understand, but I just want to be respectful." I reasoned with her, and she rolled her eyes.

"Well, being respectful means calling me by Natalia." She sighs. "Lia, we've known each other for months and you're basically a daughter to me. Andrew adores you, and so do I. So...please."

"Alright. I will respect your wishes."


"So," Natalia breaks the silence. It last about a few moments. We seem to be almost nearing our destination as we come down a strip of a road lined with all different kinds of shops. Restaurants, Ice Cream, Pizza, Shoes, Clothing.

It was a cute little area that I had no idea about.

"How's you and my son?"

I was quite prepared for that, so I jolt my head towards her. "What?"

"How are things with you and Andrew? I presume pretty well considering he doesn't have this dark cloud over his head recently."

"We're doing okay. We had a bit of a bump in the road these past couple of weeks, but we're fine now." I sigh with satisfaction. It's weird to say that Andrew and I's relationship is steady, a clear path.

Even if we're not official yet.

"Yeah, I heard about that. I was there." I looked at her with concern. "After you left. I was there after you left."

"Did he say anything about me?" I asked a bit sheepishly. I wanted to know if he said anything bad about me, if he said hateful words that he didn't mean just to make himself feel better.

That's what Andrew does. He plays the victim and insists in his mind that he is always right. He won't admit that for once he's wrong.

Except for now.

That's how I know for sure Andrew is changing. He's evolving as a person, and truest encompassing someone who fights passionately, but also feels. He recognizes his emotions and embraces them, whether flawed or not.

He's maturing into the man I always knew he could be. Sure, he's got a bit more growing to do steps.

We're just getting started.

"He was...frustrated." I frowned, and she caught my negative look. "But don't be discouraged. It's been hard for him, I hope you know that."

"I do."

"Good. Because despite what's happening with you guys, you have to know that he's never gotten closure with Bellamy. He still...loves her. Always have, always will. That feeling never faded, because when Andrew loves, he loves with his whole heart...eternally."

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