Phantom and Night chap 10

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Ardent Phantom. I can't help but to feel stupid. How couldn't I realize? His eyes.. his hair.. his skin.. maybe because I haven't seen him once in my life just in one picture. Guess it was normal. How devastated he looked or was it just me. He had that stoic appearance. Stone expression. Maybe even a stone heart now. I won't blame him. I'd break if Liam was not with me.

"Ardent." Liam called out as we enter his study. The maids just let us be after bowing to us. He looked up and his eyes instantly met mine not Liam's. Liam then hissed and pulled me behind his back.

"I'm not here to hand him over. You have to kill me first."

Ardent's blue eyes became darker and the next thing I know his eyes were red and he was in front of us. He was gripping onto Liam's throat. What..? No.. don't..

"Then kill you, I shall." Liam only smirked and grip Ardent's wrist. Their next moves were so fast and I couldn't keep up. I just stood there. My knees shaking terribly. Stop.. they need to stop..

I blinked and I saw Liam pounced onto Ardent hitting him hard on the face.. I blink again and Ardent and Liam's fangs were out as they hissed at each other avoiding their attacks... I blinked and I fell on my knees when I saw Ardent gripping Liam's from his nape but Liam turn him over his hands landed on his throat twisting it till I heard a crack.. no..

"Liam.." he twisted his neck again and Ardent just let him. He's.. no.. stop..

His hands didn't move.. he didn't fought back.. he.. he wont fight back! He wanted this! No! Stop..

"Liam stop!!!" I screamed and he froze. Liam's red eyes widened as his fangs return back to normal teeth.

"How could you want to.. die.. You knew.. you knew how I felt yet you wanted it. How cold hearted can you be? I just lost my mother.. do you think I would want to loose you too? Huh, dad?"

his red eyes widened and slowly it return back into it's original color. Ice blue.. that pooled with tears. Liam let go of him and a second later he was next to me. Pulling me in his arms, wiping my tears.

"I'm sorry Ren.. I was.." I shook my head and look at Ardent.

"You couldn't have done that if he fought back.. you knew that.." he tighten his hands on my shoulder and nod once as he eyed Ardent too. Who just lied on the wooden floor, staring at the ceiling.

I look up at Liam and he look back at me frowning as he rub his temples. They fought earlier but there's no scratch at him. Both of them. He sighed hard and stood up with me. Ardent sat up and cup his face. I can see clearly. How badly he was trembling, like someone poured ice cold water to him. I looked down then I eyed Liam.

"Let's just leave, Ren." He said coldly.

"Liam.. leave us for a moment." He frown and he glared at me. This is the first time he did that. He is really mad now.

"Liam, please." He let go of me and turn around but before he left he said. "Ardent. Remember. I wont give him to you. No matter who you are." The loud slam of the door made me jump a bit. I was surprised that it didn't broke. I sighed and approached him.

I take my pendant off. Pulling it over my head. I open it and I saw Ardent's eyes widened. He slowly look up at me and I handed it to him the pendant. I crouch down and eyed the floor. Ardent just kept staring at the picture. Their picture. Then I flinch a bit as I felt Ardent's cold hand on my cheek. I blink at him as he lift my face up till we meet eyes. His eyes.. My eyes that I got from him. He just eyed me. The cold tips of his fingers tracing my face. I scrunch my face a bit and he smiled.. with obvious traces of tears on his face. Ardent who had the same stern outlook as Liam, smiled at me.

"You look exactly like your mother.." He said. His voice a bit broken.

"You promised her, didn't you? So don't leave me okay?" He eyed me and then he nod as he pulled me in his arms.

"I'm so sorry, son. I won't leave. Never. I'll take care of you. I love you so much" I believed you.. Dad. I nod and hug back then I heard a loud slamming of the door.

I look behind me and eyed Liam who's glaring at us. I patted Ardent.. I meant my Dad's back as he sob silently on my shoulder. I shoo him away waving my hand at him and his eyes narrowed at me and changed colors from hazel to red. Not from blood thirst nor power but from anger. What's wrong with him? I can feel he's so furious and he definitely wanted to tear my father's head off. Though honestly I didn't know what to do.. If I should be worried or laugh at his silly jealousness towards my father at the least! My father. Liam is so adorable. Even though the adjective doesn't fit him.

"Ardent." His voice echoed in Dad's study making my father's sobs stop.

"Let go of him. Now." What's wrong with Liam making such a fuss? He's my father too. Sigh. Men. Uh.. Well I am a man too. Lovers.. Wait. Nothing did happen to us too. So we're not lovers. He's not anyone. I love him. He loves me too.. But...

"Ardent!" Liam pulled me away from Ardent making both of us stood. He held my hand and drag me out but Ardent grab my free hand. I just alternate my eyes at them between their intense glaring session. Now what?

"Liam. He's your mate. I know that. But without me you wouldn't even have a mate! Don't you know the rules of having a mate?! You have to gain permission from your mate's parents before you can even take him!" Liam's eyes widen and something warm and tingly was sparkling between our palms.

"..And I disapprove."

Ardent's words were deep and powerful. It resonated within his study and when he spoke his last word that tiny spark turn into a jolt of electricity that made Liam and I pull away. Ardent caught me before I fell and Liam stared at his hand.. shock evident in his face that was always unreadable to others even my father.

"Ardent.." Liam's eyes turn in deep shaded red. "You.." He gritted his teeth and I saw how his two fangs grew sharp and longer than before. He tried to touch me but he got pushed away by some invisible force and he flew a feet away. I stared at him in disbelief and as shock as he is. He stared at his hand and he clenched it tight. He glared at Ardent and pounced at him. Both of them falling hard on the floor with Liam strangling him.

"I'll kill you this time." His voice sounded different. Scary..

"Try it. Then you'll never will touch nor get near my son again."

Liam stilled.. Then he screamed gripping tight on my father's neck.. No..


"Liam." I can feel his deep breaths. His shaking from rage. Him calming down in my arms. He loosens his hold on my father who only stared at me. I shook my head and I saw his eyebrows met more.

"Ren.." He spun to hug me but we were both pushed back by that invisible barricade again. Ardent sat up and held his bruised neck that healed a second later.

"Warren.." Liam look so broken.. What's going on? Why can't he touch me? I felt my whole body tremble with fear.. Why? What was my father talking about? What the heck is a mate?! I don't care! I.. I want to be with Liam..

"Liam.." I reach out and hesitated but continued anyway. I was able touch him.. Unlike what had happen before. Liam can't touch me.. but I can touch him.. I cup his cheek and fell against his body as I embrace him and he stay so still as if he's not even breathing.

"Dad.. What's going on?"

"Liam can go home and earn my approval.. Then you can be with him again. Your mother told me to take care of you. I wont let anyone to just take you even if he is your mate."

Mate.. That's that word again. I look down at Liam.. He has his eyes close. His face clearly void of mask. Pain evident in his face.. and I can feel it too.

"Dad. Wait! Dad!" He grab my arm and drag me away and I reach out at Liam but he just sat there.. Staring at me.. His eyes pooled with tears.

"You can show your self out of my house."


I failed.. What should I do now? All because I was so stubborn.. Now this happened. I can't stay with Liam? How can Ardent do this to me? I don't want to be away from Liam. No.. I need to do something..

Phantom and Night (A Vampire Story: bxb)COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now