Ch. 18 Found

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Elijah's POV

It's been a long night to put it simply. Kol has either been wreaking chaos or worrying endlessly, Niklaus has been pacing and getting more impatient by the hour, the Salvatores have been drinking at the bar downstairs in the hotel lobby all night, and I have been trying to keep myself together so we don't all fall apart. 

Stefan's phone rang earlier in the night and everyone surrounded him immediately, but it was just Elena complaining that he wasn't there and how she needed him. We had to listen to him try to tell her they weren't together anymore and it was for the best. She didn't stop yelling until Kol grabbed the phone and threatened to burn Mystic Falls with her in it that she stopped and Stefan was able to hang up. I'm positive that's when the bar became the best idea for the pair of brothers. 

We told them someone would call them immediately if Katerina contacted us before they returned. The clock read 9am and I'm not sure how much longer Kol can hold onto his sanity. To be honest, Niklaus and I are right behind him. In that time of utter silence, my phone dinged and all three of us jumped to attention. 

I grabbed the phone and thankfully it was Katerina. 

"She's here. Omni Charlotte Hotel, Room 714."

"Nik text the Salvatores. Let's go." Kol said. Nik quickly took out his phone and sent a quick text. 

"We'll meet them at the car." With a quick nod from Kol and myself, we flashed down to the car where Stefan and Damon were already waiting. 

"She's here?" Stefan asked. 

"Yes, we're meeting them at the Omni Hotel now." I told them while Niklaus got in the drivers seat. The rest of us followed, as we all wanted to get there as soon as possible. The ride there was torturous. I just wanted to see her. It's been less than twenty four hours and we are all going crazy without her. Finally, we pulled up to the hotel's parking lot. We all got out and made our way swiftly into the hotel and to the elevator. Time seemed to slow down. After what should have felt like thirty seconds and not twenty minutes, we got to the seventh floor. Exiting the elevator, we walked down the hall and found room 714. Knocking, the five of us stood on the other side waiting impatiently. 

Katerina, of course, opened the door. 

"Elijah, everyone, nice to see you again. I-"

"Katerina, is she here or not?" Niklaus' voice interrupted. 

With a slight huff she said, "Yes." That's all the information we needed. Kol was the first to push through with the rest following. A quiet sarcastic "Just come right in" was heard behind me as she shut the door, but that was the least of my concerns right now. I was hoping to see her beautiful face after I walked through the door, but that was not the case. She was no where to be found. Kol let out a growl and flashed off in pursuit of Rosabelle. 

"Katerina! Where is she?" Niklaus practically growled out. She never got to answer as soft giggles were heard in the air. We ran in the direction it came from, immediately knowing who was the source. There, in a bedroom, we found Rosabelle placed on a dresser and Kol attacking her with kisses all over her face. Her laugh and smile were lighting up the room and I knew that if anyone tried to ever take that away, blood would be shed. 

"Rosabelle." Niklaus and I said at the same time. Kol stopped kissing her and she looked in our direction with a shy smile. 

"Hi." She said meekly. I couldn't take it. It may have been only ten or so hours, but I had no idea where she was and if she was okay. I flashed over to her and wrapped my arms tightly around her. 

"My sweet Rosabelle. Never do that again, do you hear me? I was so afraid. You just disappeared without a trace. You are so lucky we found you. You would not believe how quickly this world can turn red in our pursuit for you."

"I'm sorry Elijah. I saw her and I just had to go. I thought she was dead and I was so happy. I thought I finally had a chance at a better life, but her being there just brought everything crashing down." I hugged her tighter. I would protect her from whatever this world wanted to throw at her. 

"Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you. But in order for me to help you, I have to know where you are, okay?"

"Yes, I understand. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry. There is nothing to be sorry for. Just make sure one of us knows where you are." She just nodded against my chest. I kissed her lightly on top of her head and looked up. My eyes connected with Niklaus' and I knew he was dying to hold her too. As much as I didn't want to, I let go.


"Nik!" She cried out. She turned so quick and practically jumped into his arms. 

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't trying to leave you I promise. I was just scared. I thought she was there to finally kill me. Please don't be mad." She whimpered out. They must have had a conversation about his past.

"Love, I wasn't worried about that. I was more worried about you. Promise me you will never go running off like that again."

"I promise."

"Then we're good, love."

"Are Stefan and Damon here too?" 

"They are outside with Katerina. Do you want to go see them?"

"Yes please." With a nod we all walked back out to the living room part of the large apartment like room. 



Both of the Salvatores flashed over to hug her, enveloping her smaller body into theirs. 

"I swear she was dead. I don't know how she's alive."

"I swear I drove a stake right through her heart in front of the sheriff."

"It's not your fault. Don't worry. I missed you both."

"You better. We're your family, Bellzy." 

"Yea, you're our little sister. You're supposed to get behind us and let us protect you not run silly."

"Yea, but you have to admit I'm good at it."

"That's not the point Munchkin. No more running."

"Okay, okay. I already promised them I wouldn't so you have nothing to worry about."

"Good. Now give me a little kiss, Bellzy. You know you missed me."  Stefan said tapping his check. Rosabelle laughed and began to lean in. I was about to go grab her, but Kol got there before me. 

"Ah ah ah, darling. We may not have finished out list of rules, but number one still stands."

"That's no fair. Fine, I guess I won't share my kisses with anyone then." She pouted. 

"Now, love. No need to be dramatic. I'll be happy to take one."

"Sorry Nik, but I don't have any kisses to share." She paused with a thoughtful look. "Wait, I think I have one." She smirked and flashed over in front of me. Slightly confused, I just stood there. The next second was bliss. She laid her lips against my check and I could feel a smile coming to my face. After she removed herself, I was going to grabbed her and hug her body to my own, but she flashed away anticipating my move. 

"Looks like I'm all out." She smirked.

"You're playing with fire, love." 

"That's okay. I don't mind being burned." She truly was playing with fire considering she flashed in front of Kol and pressed her lips to his for a quick kiss. 

"Whoops!" She smiled, giggling. But she started running once she saw Klaus start to run towards her.

Author's Note

In under 24 hours you guys got this story moved up to #3. You are all amazing and I'm simply blown away! 

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