Ch. 20 Fight or Flight

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Rosabelle's POV

The car ride back was interesting, to say the least. Klaus got to drive his SUV back and let Stefan sit in the front with him, as he was apparently the least annoying, which left Kol, Damon, and Katerina behind them. That had to be one of the worst ideas known to man. The worst part, however, was the last row. Elijah practically forced me back here and followed in suit, which was fine until he sat down. Once sitting, he picked me up and put me on his lap, which is where I am now. 

"You do realize that the seat right there is perfectly fine for me to sit in, right? I don't see how I need to sit on your lap."

"Don't argue with me on this, Rosabelle. Maybe if you hadn't of runoff and played that little disappearing act, I wouldn't have to be touching you the whole time in fear you may just disappear again. At least like this, I'll go wherever you go." He whispered in my ear.

"Hm." I just made a noise, not really having a good comeback. 

"That's what I thought. Now close your eyes if you can. We have some time until we return to that dreadful town."

With that, I laid my head against his chest and shifted slightly to angle myself towards his to get a little comfier. After some time, my breathing got slower and darkness enveloped my mind.

When I woke up again, it was because of Elijah whispering in my ear. Looking out the window, I could see the familiar sight of Mystic Falls. What an absolutely horrid town, if I am to be honest. Just thinking about the miseries that have happened and the dread of knowing my sister was here made my muscles clench and my entire body to tense up.

"I won't let anything happen to you, you have my word, Rosabelle." Turning my face towards him, I could see the truth in his eyes and the honesty of his words. I tried to relax my body, but my natural instincts of fight or flight were in control and there was nothing I could do. I tried to give him a little smile, but he knew that it was just a fake. 

"Niklaus, are we going straight to the Boarding House?" 

"Yes, we need to deal with that imbecile first." Elijah nodded at Niklaus, not giving a verbal answer.

Within a few minutes, we were driving up the driveway of the boarding house. I could feel myself getting tenser and worried by the second, but if I have learned something in all my years of living in fear it would be how to mask it. Walk in braver then you seem and don't show the fear that is slowly consuming you.

Niklaus put the car in park and everyone got out, following behind Stefan into the house. It was like Lexi and I was two sides of a magnet, repelling each other and the very feeling of being near. I wanted to leave, run far away, where no one would be able to find me. But I promised them and I keep my promises.

They started going down the stairs to the basement. We're really this all now huh? NO game plan or moment to prepare? 

"You're going to be okay. I won't let that scum of a sister you have touch you. But I don't think I'll have to do much. You got the Salvatore brothers and three Originals on your side. You're untouchable." Kat grinned at me trying to get me to relax. Nodding at her, I started my track down the stairs, readying myself for what was to come.

There it was. The open cell door. Please don't let it be open because she escaped. Walking up to it slowly, I turned into it seeing the five men surrounding a blonde changed to the wall. It was blonde hair that I knew way too well. I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

"The freak returns." She said grinning. I held my face stoic. Nothing she could say could get to me anymore. Nik, however, was a different story. 

"Don't you dare talk to her that way!" He roared at her, holding his hand around her throat.

"Now tell me, how did you get back." 

"I don't need to tell you anything. You're with her. Why would you be with that dirty little freak? What is she giving you? If she's offering-" Her speaking stopped with Kol stabbing her with a stake. 

"Well, she's still wounded by stakes," Kol interjected. Klaus just laughed at his brother's antics. 

"Now tell us how you got back, or you will feel pain you thought was unimaginable." Elijah threatened her.

"Mhmm, that little witch friend of yours." Lexi nodded at Stefan.

"Bonnie? Why?" Stefan asked confused. 

"Are you really surprised? Elena of course. Isn't how it goes in this town. Everything for Elena?" Growls were heard throughout the room.

Author's Note

I'm back and trying to update more, so stay tuned! Sorry for it being a little shorter then usual. I wanted it to lead into something nicely and this is how it happened.

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