Chapter 2

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Mehek walked passed him and made herself comfortable on an armchair. His cottage lacked cleanliness and order. She wasn't surprised as it matched the attitude he projected. She noticed that his hands were shivering while trying to pour wine into disposable cups. "Are you okay, Mr. Shaurya?", she was concerned. "Kind of. I haven't eaten since last night. So feeling a bit weak", he answered earnestly. Mehek was taken aback when he shot his next request, "Can you make some sandwiches for me?". Still she walked to kitchen and checked the supplies. She found everything she needed and made the food he had asked. He greedily munched into them when she served it on a plate. "Thanks for granting my last wish", he mumbled with his mouth full of food. "Excuse me?", she asked but he brushed it off. Mehek got edgy to stay with Shaurya but she wasn't feeling comfortable to leave him alone either. She got strange vibes from him. He finished his meal and started to gulp down the wine after pouring out a glass for her. "Is everything fine, Shaurya?", she asked timidly. He nodded repeatedly, "It will be. In a couple of hours, it will be". Mehek gave a nervous smile and stood up to leave, "I have left few more sandwiches in kitchen. Incase you feel hungry later, you can have them". "I may not need them anymore", he said vaguely while she marched to the door. He didn't accompany her till door but remained in his seat. Mehek held the door, still she was unable to walk away. A strange feeling was pulling her to stay with him. Finally she mustered her courage and turned to him, "What's bothering you ? May be you will feel better talking to me". He laughed out loud.

"A broken heart. My condition is defined by these simple words", he spoke to her and sipped his wine. Mehek smirked, "Heart Problems, huh? Let me guess. Broke up with your girlfriend and now mourning the loss". She felt bad as soon as those spiteful words left her mouth. She expected him to throw a fit and lash at her. But he covered his face and wept. Mehek rushed to his side to comfort him, "I am sorry, Shaurya. I didn't mean it". He kept his hands on hers, "My sweet, Mehek. Don't feel sorry for me. I am a murderer. One who killed his own mother". Mehek was aghast but she didn't pulled out her hands. Shaurya felt grateful and started to pour out his heart to her. "Till few months back I had everything. A caring family, a successful career and an eye candy girlfriend. But then one night I lost everything". Mehek sat beside him, still holding his hands as if giving him strength to go on. She listened while he narrated his sad story. He was a typical Mamma's boy. His father though affectionate, was always busy with his work. So it was quiet natural for Shaurya to be attached to his mother. Apart from music, his passion was cars. Taking his mother for long drives and scaring her with his over-speed was one his guilty pleasures. Unfortunately during one of such trips, he lost control of his vehicle and they met with an accident. His mother succumbed to injuries while he survived. "I begged for punishment but my family just kept ignoring me. Their cold demeanor reminded me that I failed to protect my mother. My father never scolded me but his sad eyes always accused me.I couldn't stand the torture any longer and chose to run away. And I am still running away. But today I am feeling so tired that I just wanted to end it all", he confessed he was planning kill himself. He kept his head on her shoulder and wept again. Mehek neither moved nor uttered a word. She just let him unload his heavy burden through words. She knew none of the consoling words will help him. All he needed now was a silent listener. He went on and on about his good times and happy memories about his mother. All his stories came to the same end on that fateful night. It was annoying and agonizing for Mehek yet she endured it all until he passed out. Mehek left him alone and walked towards her cottage. Somehow she felt a wicked pleasure to know that there are others  who are as broken as she is.

Next morning, Shaurya opened the door after hearing the soft knock. Last night Mehek had helped him to bed. After the craziness of last night, he half expected her visit. She held out a tray of parathas (Indian breads) and coffee. He let her in while she served it on dining table. Despite his nervousness, he hogged on her food. "Thanks a lot, Meh...Mrs Sharma". Mehek nodded acknowledging his gratitude. He waited for her to advise him but she got busy tidying the dishes and plates. He got impatient, "So what your expert opinion about me". "I did my graduation in Hotel management and not in Psychology. So I am afraid I cannot help you", she told plainly and toook the tray to leave. "Still I am sure you have your own deductions", he was adamant. She faced him confidently, "You are a wise man, Shaurya. And a brave one too. Last night you took a bold step to share your sorrows with a stranger. I am sure you will figure it out yourself to get out of this mess. I have full faith in you", she stood midway keeping the door open, "And whenever you need to talk, I will be in my cottage". Shaurya couldn't help but grin at her humourous approach, "I hope your husband won't mind". Mehek suppressed her grin. "We both know the truth about it, Shaurya", she accepted her lie. "But there was someone", he spoke without thinking. Soon joy amidst them vanished to be occupied by seriousness. "I am sorry, Mehek. I didn't mean to trouble you. I am a keen observant and had noticed your ring finger". Mehek looked at her finger. She touched the slight discolouration left by the symbol of commitment she had proudly worn for long. "That's another story for another night, Sherlock", she gave a weak smile.

Days passed by and their acquaintance grew into friendship. Mehek never preached Shaurya but as promised remained to be an excellent listener. He was elated as well as annoyed by her detached attitude. She was neither judgmental nor emotional. Shaurya was unable to conclude whether she is a poor lady who had suffered enough to turn numb or a snobbish woman who considered herself above other mere mortals with emotional issues. Yet he yearned for her companionship and expected that one day he will be able to solve the puzzle named Mehek. She loved cooking and he was passionate about music. Their mutual admiration for cooking and music, added depth to their friendship. 

With the help of their landlords, Shaurya managed to bag a chance to perform at the town hall for a posh function. He was excited as well as nervous. He missed his mother so much. She used to be his support system and sole source of encouragement. In his desperation, he turned to the only person whom he knew could help him. It was Mehek. She was uncertain in the beginning to attend it. Unlike other simple functions in town, it was a big event with many people from different stains of life. She was nervous but at the same time she understood Shaurya's predicament. Finally she agreed to accompany him.

Shaurya held onto his guitar like his life depended on it. Limelight was on him while entire crowd looked onto him. His heart was beating miles per hour and he was unable to open his mouth or move his fingers on guitar. He looked around timidly and managed to find Mehek. She looked lovely dressed up in pink flared gown. She smiled at him encouragingly and gave him thumbs-up. That was all he needed. It felt like energy shot though his body and he started playing his guitar. Audience immediately applauded, acknowledging his talent while he started to sing. The evening was a huge success and Shaurya was beaming with joy. Once the hue and cry subsided, Shaurya came beside Mehek who was waiting for him. "Congrats, Rockstar", she teased him. Without warning, he wrapped his arms around her for a bear hug. Mehek was taken aback but reciprocated his cute gesture. "Thank you for being there for me", he told earnestly. "Anytime", she responded with her cute smile. A discreet cough from one of the organizers broke them apart. The organizers gave him the remuneration cheque and a gift hamper. "Treat ! Treat ! Treat!", Mehek was enthusiastic. "Ofcourse my dearest", he agreed.

As they walked together towards their humble abode, Mehek took out his phone and showed him the photos she had captured. Earlier when she borrowed his phone, he never expected it was for recording his performance. He was joyful to know that Mehek had taken trouble to capture his show. "Thanks Mehek", he expressed his gratitude again but Mehek brushed it off and handed it back to him. He browsed through it and talked softly as if addressing to none, "I wish Ma could have been there. Tonight I missed her so much". Mehek looked at him sadly. Her cold demeanor was slipping away but she tried hard not to get involved. "She was the best. I wish I could have been a better son", he was feeling guilty as usual. He longed Mehek to console him and utter few words to lessen his guilt but he knew Mehek will remain passive . "It was never your fault, Shaurya. I believe wherever she is now, she would want you to know it", Shaurya was startled by her words. His eyes shone with unshed tears. Those words meant a lot to him. Myriad of emotions ran through him and he didn't hide it from Mehek. She wanted to lighten the mood, "Shall I tell you secret?", she giggled while he nodded. "I wish I had a son like you", Mehek laughed out loud trying mask her pain. Shaurya was aghast for few seconds but soon chuckled, "You will be a great mother, Mehek". Cheerfulness faded away from her face and she looked away to blink back her tears. She grimaced as she knew it will never come true. 

"Ms Mehek Shamra, you made my day. Let me make it up to you with an awesome treat", he proposed. "Good idea. Anyway you have been hogging on my food for long. Its time to repay", Mehek acted to be playful. "I will pick you up at 7 pm, tomorrow. It's a date", he uttered in excitement but shortly bit his tongue. Yet she didn't wish to spoil the mood and played along , "Sharp 7. Don't be late". She waved at him before entering her cottage and a unknown feeling bubbled in his chest.

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