Chapter 7

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"The result is positive", Shaurya told Mehek. She smiled but when he looked angrily at her, she frowned. She expected him to mellow down once he was clear about their child's paternity. "Why are you still furious, Shaurya?", she asked him. "I asked you here to settle matters and not to answer your silly questions", he snapped at her. Mehek gulped and looked down nervously. "What do you want?", he asked her. "I already told you. A family for our child", she told truthfully. "In your dreams, Ms Sharma. I will never marry a woman like you. I can provide a fair amount to settle you. It's nothing for me as  I usually spare more for charity", he told plainly. "I don't want your money. I need father of my child. Don't you feel anything for your own child", she was on verge of tears. "I don't. For me, it is just a huge mistake ", he told vehemently, "Infact I don't want to bring it to the world as I don't want this responsibility. So it is futile to expect any support from my side", he told blatantly. Mehek was stunned by his response. "It is simple waste of time for you, Mehek. You can never milk my money by baiting this child. Considering the entire situation, it is better to terminate it. I can help you to get it done discreetly, with all expenses covered", he told plainly. "That's enough, Mr Khanna", she was furious and jumped from her seat to exit. "Mehek, I am sorry. But I have to be brutally honest", he mocked her. Without befitting him with a response, she sped away.

Shaurya was torn between disappointment and satisfaction of hurting Mehek. She is playing the victim to trap me. I will never fall again for your trickery Mehek, he mused. "Is she the one?", his father's voice broke his train of thoughts. He was astonished that his father finally chose to communicate to him. Shaurya knitted his eyebrows considering his father's question. "Don't be shocked, Shaurya. I am your father. I know about the paternity tests", Harish told him. Despite his confusion and sorrow, he chose to be defensive, "Father? After several months of silence, suddenly you realised I am your son". Harish looked down ashamed. Shaurya walked around to leave his cabin. "Will I be invited for your wedding, Son?", he asked sadly. Shaurya sighed, "I am not ready to take responsibility of a mistake. I have asked her to abort the child". Harish laughed slightly, "Like father like son. Afterall you are also abandoning your blood". Shaurya was taken aback and starred at his father. Emotional agony they were subjected to was evident in their eyes. Nevertheless both remained quiet. The cold wall they have built between them hindered to comfort one another. Harish came near him, and gave a pat on his back, "A child is a blessing, Shaurya. Hope you understand it and decide wisely".

Mehek held onto her belly and wept. She took shelter in an isolated park to vent out her emotions. It broke her heart to realise that Shaurya suggested to kill their own child. She could understand his hatred towards her but aiming it at their innocent child is unfair. "My Angel. You are my miracle. I will not let any harm befall on you", she promised her child. After some time, her sobs subsided to snivels. She remembered the moment it was confirmed that she was pregnant. Experts had predicted she had just one a in a millionth chance to conceive. Yet she was blessed with that rare gift to carry a child in her womb. She had tried her best to find Shaurya but was unsuccessful. When she almost lost hope, fate brought him before her. Yet she seemed to be unfortunate to lose him. She started to weep again and kept her palm on her mouth to drown her sobs. She was surprised when a neatly folder handkerchief was offered to her. When she looked up, she found Shaurya standing beside her. She shook her head but he insisted. While she dabbed her eyes with the piece of soft cloth he gave, he sat on nearby bench, "Weeping is not going to help you, Mehek. It may sound cruel but the solution I had proposed is in best interest of both sides". "I will never kill my child", she sneered at him. "Think about it, Mehek. You will never get a penny from me or any kind of support. An unwed mother is still a taboo in our society. Your chance to have a better life with another man will be spoiled forever. Your future, body and beauty; all will take a toll", he pointed it out. "Thanks for your concern. But my decision is final", she gave back his handkerchief and stood up to leave. "Cut the crap, Mehek. Having this baby will never bring you fortune. I will never marry you. Put that in your thick skull", he raised his voice. "Why can't you?", she lashed at him, "Even after paternity of our child is proven why are you so diffident to accept us? Long back, you were ready to give us a chance. What happened to you, Shaurya?", Mehek asked him. "My perception drastically changed, Mehek. You changed me. You rejected me becoz I was a poor musician. Now when you know I am a rich guy, you are hell bound to trap me. Cunning gold digger.", he replied furiously. "You are mistaken. I had my reason to stay away from you. But things have changed ", she wanted to tell him the truth he didn't allow her. "Things have changed for both of us. Let's accept it and move on, Ms Sharma. Do whatever you want. I am least bothered. I wish you all the best", he closed their discussion and left her alone.

"What's the matter, Shaurya?", Archie asked him, "you seemed to be lost".Shaurya was trying drown his problems in alcohol so he visited his favourite bar. "Archie, leave me alone. I am not in good frame of mind today", he tried to avoid her. Archie, his latest no-string-attached-friend was in no mood to give away, "Try me, maybe I can help you". Shaurya smirked. Perhaps a drunk Archie was a not a bad option to unburden his worry. "Let's say, I successfully managed to ward off a very do I put it...   a bad option from my life. But I am unsure whether to be happy to avoid it or worry to miss it", he managed to convey carefully. Archie smiled mischievously, "I will tell you a story I came across in a movie. One day a mother caught his young son smoking. Rather than punishing him, she took him to a room full of cigarettes and asked him to finish smoking it all by next morning. Son was so happy and decided to spend entire night smoking. But by morning he had enough and could never take another puff in his entire life time", they both laughed at her story. "So, Mr Khanna the moral of story is Indulgence is key to your Abstinence", she professed in her drunken stupor. "You have a point, although strange and stupid", he appreciated her. "So will I get rewarded?", she gave a coy look. "May be later, Sweet heart", he stepped out of the bar.

"You don't need him, Mehek", Sonal told her vehemently, "You are an educated, independent woman. You don't need that scum bag to take care of your baby. Besides, I will always be there for you". Mehek nodded, trying to come in terms with her situation. She had managed to come long way from being the shy girl grown under Kanta Chachi's strict discipline. Yet deep down those orthodox notions which her Chachi had etched into her life scared her. She was afraid for her child's security and future. She wanted her kid to grow up under love and care of both parents. She wished to nurture the new life in her under security of marriage and family. But unfortunately she failed to provide it for her baby. She was afraid whether society will shun and isolate her child. 'Ding', her phone chimed to indicate delivery of a message. 'Waiting in my car near your alley. Come down in 5 minutes', she read Shaurya's message. Mehek quickly left without informing Sonal.

"I have a proposal for you", he spoke once they were alone. He took her to one of his restaurants. It was yet to be open for customers and they were seated in a lone corner. Mehek gazed at him wishfully. "Marriage is out of question, Mehek", he told her bluntly. Mehek looked away as tears threatened to spill. "But I can provide you with protection of my name", he told plainly. "How?", she asked quickly. "We will pretend as a couple. You know, kind of a live in. You will move in to my penthouse shortly. Then it will be easily established that the bun in your oven is mine", he told her. Mehek was about to talk but he interrupted her, "But all these farce will be just for outer world. We are neither committed nor I am interested to be part of the child's life. I will fulfill my side of bargain by accepting to have sired the kid. Once child is born we will separate by officially announcing our break up". Mehek was taken aback by his offer but he didn't spare time for her to speak. "You are intelligent enough to know that there are no free lunches in this world. In return of my good will, I expect something from you", he spoke suggestively.  Mehek knitted her brow in confusion when he leaned forward, "I need you to warm my bed".

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