Chapter 27

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"I will be back before midnight." Maya assured me again for the thousandth times.

"But I want you to go to the party with me." I whined, knowing I was being childish.

"You have Asher, it's time to social Lau. Besides I am only going to visit my brother; who is two hours away. I will be back before you know it."

"You better come back tonight, and come to my house once you get back, then we can celebrate it right on midnight together, like how we always do."

"Of course Lau, just for you." She said solemnly, yet she bursted into laughter moments later; lightening the tensing atmosphere; making me laugh too.

"Yeah well have fun, but not too much without me!" I said to her.

She rolled her eyes, then she hugged me really tightly; I did the same, there was this foreboding feeling I just couldn't shake off.

Her parents honked, signaling that she needed to get in quickly.

"Safe trip!" I shouted after her.

She turned back and gave me that beaming smile of hers; her eyes crinkling and shining like a little kid, then she was in the car. And they were gone.

I sighed, I went back inside my house, there was still a whole day to kill before the party start and Asher to pick me up. I cannot believe I let Maya and Asher convinced me to go to a party. Again. The third of this semester.

Maya and I were hanging out as usual, as we always did every Saturday. Out of the blue, her parents called her and reminded her that she needed to visit her brother. Maya being the forgetful person she was, unsurprisingly forgot about it. So her parents drove to my house to pick her up to go to her brother's place.

I finished my remaining homework then began on a book I bought recently "Heartless". It was so good that I lost track of time. I realized it's 6:30 already and Asher was going to pick me up at 7.

I just finished the book and I wanted to just lay there and think about it. The ending was so sad, I just wanted to read fanfictions and not go out. Why did I even agree to go out? Urgh why am I doing this to myself.

I took a shower and changed into some cloths absentmindedly; still not fully in reality yet, still stuck in the book. Somehow, I managed to get dressed and out of my house to meet with Asher.

"Hey," he greeted me, "where is Maya?" He asked, looking behind my shoulder for her.

It took me a while to realized he asked me a question and I needed to reply, "Oh, she needs to visit her brother."

"But going to the party was her idea." He raised an eyebrows.

I shrugged, "Yeah, it was very sudden."

"Okay." He opened the car door for me. I got in and thanked him then we drove off to the party.

Once we arrived, all other irrelevant thoughts evaporated, the loud music had chased away all of it. I could taste the euphoria of partying on the tip of my tongue, a smile making its way onto my face.

Parties were no longer as awkward as it was before, I was even starting to enjoy it. Asher insisted on playing beer pong against me even when all the others warned him that he would definitely lose. Unsurprisingly, he lost. Afterwards, we went to get some drinks; he got a beer and I obviously got champagne. Casual conversation flowed between us easily. Random talks were the best.

Of course, someone must interrupted us and ruined the moment, "Asher! Asher Hunt, is that you?"

He tended up immediately from the voice and he turned towards the source, "Robert, it had been a long time."

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