Chapter 41

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His eyes lit up like god had somehow put all the stars under one night sky together. It shone so brightly with happiness, it glistened like a diamond under the sun.

This was how I knew I had made the right choice. The fear that had always been weighting down on me but I didn't knew was lifted off my chest. Like a convict finally being freed from prison, I felt light, so much lighter than I had been for the past few weeks.

Everything disappeared in my mind, all my overthinking and demons and monsters; because none of it mattered anymore, only him.

He searched my face as if he was scared that I was lying, but the stars didn't dimmed. It glowed even more luminous than before, and it was like staring at the entire universe. When those galaxies dropped its gaze on my lips, I wondered if I was dreaming, making all this up. It seemed impossible that someone like him would ever look at someone like me with so much wonder.

Ever so slowly, he moved closer, inch by inch, until his lips were just a breath away. "May I?" His husky voice was thick with anticipation, dripping with yearning. My breath caught in my throat, fear and eagerness running through my veins.

His hand had tangled itself in my hair and his other arm was somehow under my waist, holding it tightly. The longing and adoration blazed from his eyes.

I couldn't talk or move, I was held captive under his gaze. The only thing I could muster was the barest nod and that was all he needed.

When his lips met mine, I didn't feel the butterflies in my stomach nor the 'spark' between us; because all I could feel was those soft lips on mine. I didn't see fireworks behind my eyes because I couldn't even make up a scene in my mind, it was completely blank.

It was just a peck, but his lips stayed on for a few, still seconds. Those few seconds were like a lifetime, all I could feel was his lips on mine, my mind was empty but my heart was soaring out of my body. I could feel panic clouding in as we both froze but when his lips started to move tentatively against mine. I couldn't concentrate on anything and all concrete thoughts scattered like light that had hit on a glass and a rainbow was produced.

My body responded as if it knew what to do even if I had never tried it. My hands slid itself into his hair and it was just as soft as it looked. It was like holding rough silk in my hands. He made a low groan at the back of his throat and pulled me even closer, which ended up with me toppling over him. Somehow, his lips were still firmly planted on mine.

Now I was on top of him and he was no longer kissing me like I was a porcelain doll, he started to kiss me harder and I returned it with the same intensity. His arms around my waist pulled me even closer towards him until we were inhumanly close. Every inch of my being was touching his and all my nerves were on fire.

I pulled away, gasping for air. We were both breathing heavily, a bright red flush was painted on his face yet he was glowing. Adrenaline was still pumping through my veins and I still couldn't register what had happened. I only knew I had enjoyed it a lot, and a stupid, big smile escaped onto my face. The euphoria, pure joy was still coursing through my entire body.

Wow, so that's what they were describing about in books.

"Wow." He breathed, echoing my thought. He was still staring at me as if he couldn't believe it had happen and neither could I.

"I guess I should have knock." A voice broke through the room and I sprang away from him like he was a deadly disease. Both of us scrambled off the bed and stood on the opposite side of the bed.

My thoughts were still a mess, the feeling of the kiss still echoing through my body. I could still feel the ghost of his lips on mine and my heart was still beating too irregularly.

"Well, your mom and I will be downstairs, eating breakfast, you guys can join us after,"  my dad spread his arms and made a wide whatever gesture helplessly. Then he left with the door open and his disappearing footsteps were the only sound heard.

Oh my god, did my dad just walk in to me having my first kiss? Oh gods. I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe it happened.

I had no idea how was I going to face my parents, no doubt my dad already told my mom what he had just witnessed.

"We should probably go down right now." His voice sounded deeper and rougher than usual.

"Uh huh." I couldn't muster words up, too many thoughts were running through my mind right now.

Letting instincts took over, I walked out of the door, careful to avoid eye contact with Asher.

My mind was still a thunderstorm when we walked into the kitchen, trying my best to seem normal, I mumbled goodmornings to my parents and sat down opposite to them. Asher trailed awkwardly behind me and greeted them, then he sat down right next to me, facing my mom.

To say the atmosphere in the room was awkward would be an understatement. I didn't know whether I should start a conversation or not, and I could feel everyone was holding something back.

We ate our breakfast silently. My parents seemed to have a silent agreement that I didn't know about, with the looks they kept giving each other and the way they eyed us. My mom had her poker face on, the one I inherited, and dad had an unreadable glint in his eyes. Both looked like they hadn't have a wink of sleep last night which was probably true.

Asher on the other hand, was vibrating with uneasiness, tension was clouded around him, giving off a nervous energy. I wondered what was going through his mind right now.

I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. I tried to think of the fact that my parents knew and they seemed like they wanted to say something to me, but I never dwell on it because the kiss always find a way to resurface. I had no idea what was going to happen next. Thousands of possibilities flashed through me and I tried my best to be prepare for each and every one of them.

At long last, we finished breakfast and I braced myself for the unknown.

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