Chapter 1.5

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Shirokane, Minato,

Takeuchi Shou-san already 72 years old, but still healthy enough to take care of his library. He worked at a publishing company in the year of Showa 43 (1968). Earlier when we called and explained that we wanted to talk about an article he wrote in 1970, he welcomed us.

"I stopped writing articles about the third block after I got into an accident. My wife and coworkers stopped me from continuing the investigations about the accidents because they think I may be cursed," he explained. His voice was hoarse as he spoke to us slowly. Rui placed the tape recorder on the table as usual to record our conversation.

Takeuchi-san took a deep breath. "I don't know if it's because of a curse or if it's just a normal accident. I got into a traffic accident while investigating the Miyazaki family."

"The Miyazaki family? The owners of the plot of land also known as the third block before it became a commercial plot?" I asked and thought about the article. "Takeuchi-san, why do you think the land is cursed?"

"At first, I thought it was just a normal case. But, after several accidents, I felt it was strange. " he took a small breath. "I got a testimony from all the victims and most of them said the same thing," Takeuchi-san said while taking some files from his bookshelf. Everything is arranged very neatly. "They said the children who went missing often were talking about a little girl around their age wearing a kimono." Takeuchi-san said.

"A little girl wearing a kimono?" I'm not really surprised. Iwamoto-san said the same thing.

"Yes," he nodded. "Even the police can't solve the case. I tried to track it down and tried to learn everything about the land before it became a commercial plot. I learned that the land was owned by the Miyazaki family. But, the Miyazaki family were not the original owners of the land." Takeuchi-san handed us a document. "The land was originally owned by Fujisima family and I guess that the Miyazaki family is a branch family. After the accident of the Fujisima family, the land was owned by the Miyazaki family." Takeuchi-san gave us another old article. "Read this article. It's all happened exactly in the year Showa 20."

"Showa 20, around 1945, right?" As I looked at the article my eyes widened. "Massacre?!"

"Yes, " Takeuchi-san nodded. "All the members of the Fujisima family were killed on the night of September 21, 1945. The grandparents, the husband, wife, three sons, three daughters, and a daughter in law. Not only the family but the maids and all the workers were killed and the house was burned to ashes." Takeuchi-san explained as he took a deep breath while leaning on his chair.

"Is there a predator?" Rui asked. He said while still continuing to check the documents

"The police can't find any evidence that an outsider went inside the house. After the investigation, they concluded that the accident is a homicide," Takeuchi-san explained, "Through the investigation, the police found out that the father committed suicide by stabbing himself with the same knife used to kill all the family members and workers. "

My chest feels hurt again. Killing all family members is only done by people with a mental disorder. Or...was the husband being possessed?

"One of the maids who manage to escape from the fire said something strange..." Takeuchi-san straightened his sitting position, folded his hands and looked at us. As if wants to tell us that the terrible things will only begin. "She gets stabbed on her back but she still manages to escape but passed away the next day at the hospital." Takeuchi-san said. "She said that the killer was not the husband, but the youngest daughter of Fujisima, Nanako." Takeuchi-san gives us an old family picture. "Take a look at the Fujisima family picture. She is the youngest daughter of the Fujisima family, their seventh child of seven children." he said as he pointed at a little girl with purple kimono standing in the middle row.

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