Chapter 5.3

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After conducting an inspection, we returned to the base.

"Oh hasn't Naomasa-kun and Yui returned?" Ayako was there when we returned to the base, "They must have a hard time finding a clue," Ayako and Rui have just returned from looking for information from local residents.

"Hah! I'm so tired. I don't think the villagers can be so difficult to handled," Rui leaned back in the chair, "You see, the villagers are very cold, even the village head. When we asked about the Matsumoto family, they seemed to refrain from saying anything," Rui complained.

"They look more like feared the Matsumoto family, not respect them," Ayako took a bottle of juice from the icebox and gave it to Rui. "Oh right," Ayako sat down and took a small note, "We asked the villagers how long they lived in this village, almost all of the villagers had lived from generation to generation, like the Matsumoto family,"

"Other farmers refused to come to this village. That was because this village was very prone to flooding and landslides, but strangely floods and landslides never happened when the Matsumoto family lived in this village," Rui said.

"How could it be?" Kiyoharu asked, he turned and looked at us.

"It's not like floods and landslides that have never happened, more precisely disasters have never reached the village," Ayako explained, "The villagers believe that the Matsumoto family is a carrier of luck. That's because they always diligently pray and perform rituals for the mountain gods,"

"Is there a shrine in this village?" I asked.

"There is a shrine that has existed before the Matsumoto family lived here. It seems that the shrine was once a shrine guarded by the deceased Samurai family," Ayako said, "We asked about Kamaitachi and the villagers said they had known about it. But, they lied," Ayako smiled sarcastically, "You see, I tried to do as Naomasa-kun taught me. I said if my friend was suddenly stabbed by something like a sickle, but she wasn't hurt at all. Then, the villagers suddenly said, 'we didn't know anything about Kamaitachi', "Ayako smiled

"Ah, that's how it is," Kiyoharu shouted, "You didn't even say that was Kamaitachi, but they immediately said it. That means they knew something about Kamaitachi,"

"Exactly. In my opinion, villagers know something or maybe they feel something is strange, but they can just be honest about it," Ayako nodded her head.


"We have returned," Naomasa shifted the door. He then looked at us who sighed with relief at the same time, "What's wrong?" Naomasa looked confused.

"We thought the Matsumoto family or spirits had come suddenly," Ayako frowned. She lay half her body on the table.

"We have to get around to get information. All the information about this area burned down during a fire a few years ago. So, we visited a temple that still kept some documents," Noamasa explained.

"So you got something?" I asked.

Yui and Naomasa looked at each other for a moment. It seems like they found something important.

"When we visited the city temple to find information, we found out about a Buddhist priest who came to do purification and cast out the evil spirits. His name was not recorded, but he came from a temple in Haraizumi," Naomasa explained.

"My family's temple?" Kiyoharu was shocked and looked at us with full of confusion.

"The Buddhist monk performed an exorcism and purification, but he was injured while doing it. He was immediately taken to the hospital and returned to Haraizumi afterwards," Yui said while reading her note, "When doing an exorcism, after all, he suddenly felt pain in all parts of his body. He said that his body seemed to be sliced ​​by sharp objects repeatedly,"

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