Chapter 21

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6 1\2months after

"Louis hurry up" I yell from the living room.

Louis is driving me to the bus stop where I will take a bus to the park and right now I am about to assassinate him if he doesn't get down this minute.

"Okay I am here already, don't pull down the house," he says sauntering down the stairs dressed in black jeans paired with a black t-shirt.

"Come on let's go I can't wait to see him," I say walking towards his car at a slow pace.

He pulled out of the compound " make sure you don't hurt yourself while walking... " Louis says parking not too far from the bus stop.

I cut him off" I know. Okay bye, see you at the house," I say stepping out from the car before weaving him goodbye as he drives off.

I seat on the bench waiting for the bus " Shiloh" a voice calls from the car parked in front of me.

I stare at the driver surprised he knows my name while watching him step out, making his way towards him, then taking a seat beside me " have we met before" I ask studying his features.

He is a little bit on the muscular side, black short curly hair, and hazel eyes. He was dressed in black combat trousers and a brown t-shirt showing off the tattoo on his left hand. His stance gives me goosebumps because he looks so intimidating.

"I really feel hurt " he laughs " have I really changed that much?" He asks staring at me intensely.

Is today April fools day?" Sorry, I don't still know who you are since you have a nice way of giving introductions" I blurt out sarcastically

Shiloh stop this, it's not the right time to be sarcastic this man is could be a serial killer ready to end your life.

"Okay let me introduce myself," he says snapping me out of my creepy thoughts " I am Blake Jackson," he says smugly.

"What? You are Blake Jackson the Blake Jackson I knew in high school?" I ask bewildered gazing at him with wide eyes.

The Blake Jackson I know is nothing like this intimidating man sitting beside me, he was a nerd in high school looking-slender and shy.

The only resemblance he has with this man is his curly black hair and brown eyes, he used to have a crush on me during high school but I never accepted because I had eyes for only a specific person.

"In the flesh, " he says with a smile.

I gaze at him wowed " can't believe this. you changed so much" I say smiling still in shock.

" Yeah, people change. So what is your destination let me drop you off ?" He says standing to his feet before helping me up with a smile still on his lips.

"I am heading towards the park, " I say picking up my bag before we both walk towards his car.

He opened the door for me helping me in before walking towards the driver seat " you are in college, right?" I say starting a conversation as he drives.

"Hmm," he says his attention focused on the road.

"Okay that is good," I say gazing out the window as we drove in silence, he was never much of a talker and I am also happy he didn't bother asking about Chance, actually he doesn't need to because Chance and Sam engagement is all over the news.

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