Chapter 22

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"What are you doing here ?," I asked sounding a bit harsh.

I felt all kinds of emotion run through my mind but I mostly felt nonplused just staring at Sylvia standing right in front of me looking like a chic model.

She is dressed in black high-waisted pants with suspenders and a red long-sleeve loosening crop top, her hair in a stylish ponytail, and light makeup complimenting her outfit.

"What a nice way to greet your sister you haven't seen for so long," she says sarcastically before taking a seat beside the bed.

"And whose fault is it?" I roll my eyes at her "why are you here?" I ask again curious.

"I promised you I would find a way to get Dad's approval," she says before placing a file on my lap.

My eyes spark in excitement and happiness hearing these words from her before clouding in confusion staring at the file on my lap " what is this suppose to be?"

"Open the file and see for yourself " she urges sounding qualm.

I peel the file open finding pictures of couples and some information about their lives. Like years of marriage, occupation, mental stability, etc.

Seeing my confusion she explains " I found out from the doctor that your baby is very healthy and growing very fast" she pauses momentarily studying my expression before speaking "so here is the plan"

I bite my bottom lips feeling uncanny while avoiding her gaze on me.

"These are the information of couples who are capable and willing to adopt your baby..."

My gaze snaps towards her " what?" I asked still not being able to understand where this is leading.

"Shiloh this is all that I could come up with to help you, " she says calmly staring into my eyes with guilt.

Before I could reply she continued " you could meet these five couples to gain more information and find the perfect couple for your baby" she says showing me the different pictures of the couples.

"How is this going to help?" I ask sternly my brow creased.

" This is the best druthers I could come up with right now because your baby would have a complete family, and then you can ask for forgiveness from Dad after all the baby was the reason Dad sent you away, " she says nonchalantly with the idea.

I stare at her intensely as she flips through the file saying the details of each couple.

I study her carefully searching for any indication I could find to make this a dream or this Lady right here isn't my sister Sylvia. That this is just a misapprehension.

But this has become my reality. A reality where my family has become strangers. A reality where my close ones pushed me down leaving me to learn how to dust the dirt and move on. A reality where I had to walk on broken bottles and hold on to the edges of stilettos.

I had to keep my feelings locked down telling myself no matter how much it hurts, don't let them know just keep on smiling. But maybe just maybe I care too much.

I stare at her with a glimmer of tears in my eyes but I refuse to look vulnerable or helpless anymore.

I blink back the tears before meeting her gaze feeling umbrage with her idea " Was it so easy?" I ask calmly trying to bottle up my anger and frustration.

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