Chapter 77

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When Dwalin crested the hill, he skidded to a halt on the ice. There was so much blood. He almost wanted to turn back. Kili huffed beside him, both out of breath from the running. They stared for a moment, neither figure seemed to move. Slowly, they crossed the ice, taking in the scene. 

Azog was in pieces, like someone had blindly hacked him to death. His head had rolled a few feet away. Thorin's eyes were lightless. He stared blankly up at the blue sky above. Kili fell to his knees, cradling his Uncle to his chest as tears streaked his face. Dwalin was the only one to notice what was wrong with this situation: they were missing someone.

"Whose there?!" A voice sounded from the opposite bank. He crept forward, eyes squinting as he peered through the mist which had yet to burn off in the sun. "Thorin? Thorin is that you?" He waded through the fog, stunned at what he saw.  

"Beuren?" She turned at Dwalin's voice. 

"D-Dwalin?" He fell to his knees before her. "Dwalin, I can't see. I can't see." He could only stare at her. 

Azog had gotten one last stab off at Beuren, slicing her right eye clean open in a cut that ran from her cheekbone to her hairline. As she wailed, Thorin had removed his sword, planning to behead the Defiler. Azog was quicker, shoving his blade clean through Thorin's chest. Beuren hadn't heard this of course, over her screaming. She'd taken up Thorin's abandoned sword and had begun hacking aimlessly at anything in Azog's general direction, many of which had made contact. She'd blindly wandered to the first solid thing in an attempt to find safety. 

Dwalin reached out for her, taking her good arm in his gentle grip. Beuren flinched away like an injured animal. Kili rushed to his side once the mist had cleared, calling out to his aunt. She carefully reached out, missing both of the completely. Dwalin took her hand, pulling her into his chest as she sobbed. Kili, teary eyed, tried to be strong for her, but failed miserably once she started crying. Dwalin cradled them both in his chest as he fought back his own tears for their loss. 

Balin was a welcome sight, as was Bilbo...even the blonde elf lord. Gandalf and the rest of the company were close behind. Balin rushed to Thorin, Gandalf and Bilbo close in tow. Thranduil swept gracefully across the ice towards Beuren. He took her in his arms, looking between both dwarves, and rising to his feet. He muttered something into her ear, to which she nodded in response. 

It would be the last time they saw Beuren for many months. 

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