Chapter III

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Cadence's Pov

It has been around two weeks since I was reincarnated as the Princess Cadence.

I've been passing the days with the same cycle, eat, sleep, wake up, rinse then repeat.

Well, it's not like I can do anything else as a newborn baby.

My only source of entertainment would be the girl who took care of me aka the young honey brown-haired maid whom I later learned was named Anne.

Anne was a simple yet cheerful girl.

Although she looked to be young and delicate, she was actually quite efficient in her jobs.

As she would rock me to sleep she would sing soft lullabies full of love and affection.

Whenever she saw me she would always smile at me so gently and warmly.

Every day she'd talk to me about all sorts of things, like my family, the kingdom and about myself.

I am the seventh princess of the crimson empire which is ruled by my father, the emperor; Klaus Armond Von Luxes Romania.

In total, I have 10 siblings, 6 elder sisters and 4 elder brothers.

Currently, I am the youngest child of the emperor but it is possible he may produce more offspring.

But although I have many siblings we were not all bore by the same women.

The emperor has 3 official wives and a couple of mistresses as well.

As for the position of the empress, the seat is still vacant.

All 3 of the official wives are alive and doing well so I assume that means my mother was a mistress.

Today was just a normal day, the exact same as the others or at least I thought it would be.

It was early in the morning and I was awake, laying in my crib waiting for Anne to arrive.

Just like usual she came, except she was for some reason very flustered and a bit out of breath upon arriving.

[ "P-princess there is big news! The Emperor suddenly announced that today would be the Empress's coronation!" ]

Of course, I was still a two-week-old baby and thus could not reply so I simply made some baby noises in an attempt to speak.

Oh? What an unexpected surprise.

I wonder who the empress is, one of the three official wives perhaps?

As if Anne had read my thoughts she proceeded to talk.

[ "The Emperor has not announced who the empress to be is and has not even told the officials of the empire!" ]

[ "Even the wives and mistress have no clue who will be the empress!" ]

It seems that the Emperor has a truly peculiar character.

To one day without notice suddenly announce the coronation of the empress without even telling anyone who the empress was!

Perhaps he hasn't even told the actual women who will become the Empress either!

I'm sure that all the emperor's women were extremely shocked by this news.

[ "Now Princess we must quickly hurry and get you ready, the coronation will be starting in only two hours from now!" ]

After that Anne carried me out of the crib and walked over to two large white doors which were in my room.

She opened the doors to reveal an enormous walk-in closet filled from top to bottom with beautiful Victorian and lolita dresses, shoes and accessories.

I was frozen shocked at the sight.

In my past life, I had lived nearly my whole life in the hospital and because of that I only wore the same plain white hospital clothes every single day.

Because of this, I had developed a bit of a love for fashion and more specifically the fashion of the Victorian era.

I just thought all the dresses were so interesting with all their different colours and designs.

They were so different from the plain white gowns I wore every day, so much more... fun!

Thus when I saw all the clothes and accessories I became a little or maybe very excited.

Anne walked across the closet carefully inspecting every single dress to find the perfect one.

She finally stopped when she saw a blue and white lolita dress.

The dress had white long sleeves and was a beautiful baby blue colour.

There were ruffles on the sleeves, collars and ends of the dress and the waistband on it was thin and lacy.

At the front of the dress was a large blue bow with a glimmering gem in the middle which enhanced the beauty of the dress.

It was a simple but none the less adorable lolita dress.

You could tell the dress was made of the highest quality materials just by looking.

Anne smiled approvingly well she took it off the hanger and proceeded to change me into it.

She then took out a light blue hairband with a bow that matched the dress she had to choose and put it onto my hair.

When she finished getting me ready she looked at me proudly as her already rosy cheeks went even rosier.

Her eyes that stared at me seemed to be glimmering as much as the gem on my chest.

After happily staring at me for a while Anne finally awoke from her daydream.

[ "Oh no princess we're running late, we must hurry and go!" ]

She carried me into her embrace and began rushing to our destination.

Chapter III end

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