Chapter V

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Cadence's Pov

The day after the Empress has coronated the king released a royal decree.

The decree declared that I, the Empress's only daughter and child would be placed into the care and educating of the Emperor's first wife.

Her name was Lena and although I do not know much about her I had a fairly decent first impression.

She looked calm and gentle and dressed in plain and simple but elegant gowns.

I was to move to Lady Lena's residence as soon as it was possible.

Thankfully I wouldn't be going alone as Anne would be following me to Lady Lena's residence as a personal maid.

Currently, I was sitting in the arms of Anne as we were waiting for Lady Lena to arrive.

[ "Thank goodness the Emperor has decided to put Princess into the care of the first madam, her heart is kind as can be" ]

Anne says sounding genuinely relieved.

The door opens and a delicate beauty wearing all white enters.

Her smile is gentle and natural as she looks at me.

Anne bows and pays her respects to Lady Lena.

After she allows for them to rise she walks over to me staring at me intently.

[ "You really do look just like her.." ]

Were the first words she ever said to me.

She said them quietly but loud enough for me to understand.

[ "Nice to meet you princess Cadence, my name is Lena and from now on we'll be in each other care" ]

Her voice was calm and soothing and her smile was warm and bright.

It seems that the rumours were not wrong, Lady Lena was indeed quite kind and gentle.

[ "May I perhaps carry her?" ]

Lady Lena asks Anne respectively which is surprising considering the difference between their standings.

[ "Y-yes of course first madam!" ]

Anne replies quickly handing her over to me.

Lady Lena flashes a smile towards Anne before taking me into her arms and holding me gently.

Her cheeks flush into a light peachy shade.

She giggles innocently which causes everyone's hearts to warm.

[ "How cute and soft~" ]

She says well rubbing my head affectionately.

After that she begins to walk all over her residence well she explains to me every room as if I could understand.

Well actually I could but a regular baby would definitely not be able to.

I found it cute how excited and joyous she was as she showed me every room one by one.

After around an hour she had finally finished giving me a full tour and took me to the garden outside which was filled to the brim with many blooming flowers.

We sat in the garden and Lady Lena had a cup of chrysanthemum tea that she took occasional sips of.

As she slowly enjoyed her tea she pulled out a book that she began to read out loud to me.

The book was a children's fairytale that was similar to the modern fairytale, the princess and the pea.

She would read it slowly and would put out to every picture in the book explaining it.

I found it a bit frustrating since I already understood everything but I couldn't be mad when I looked at her sincerity and happiness.

Besides, I was still in the body of a less than a month old baby so how would she possibly know that my mental age was actually a lot higher.

When the story had ended, Lady Lena put the book down on the table and opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by the appearance of a young toddler.

He was quite small and very adorable to the point that anyone that looked at him would get a strong temptation to pinch his chubby light flushed cheeks.

He ran up to Lady Lena excitedly and hugged her waist as she was still sitting down holding me.

Lady Lena was pleasantly surprised and began to caress the boy's hair lovingly m

[ "Mommy!" ]

His smile revealed his cute dimples and instantly brightened the mood.

[ "What is it, my precious Levin?" ]

Ah, I see this boy was none other than Lady Lena's only son, the second prince Levin.

If I recall correctly, he should currently be only 5-year-olds.

[ "Let's go play Mommy!" ]

He said cuddling up to his Mother without even noticing me.

[ "Sorry my dear, but I must take care of Princess Cadence" ]

She said while showing me off to him as he finally became aware of my presence.

He stared at me blankly with his large and round green eyes.

[ "So you mean Mommy can't play with Levin because of her?" ]

He says innocently as he points at me maintaining his blank expression.

[ "That's right, Mommy needs to care for this adorable little princess right now" ]

Prince Levin suddenly puffed up his chubby cheeks as he reached in and pinched my cheeks.

Lady Lena was shocked at his actions.

[ "Levin! What do you think you are doing?" ]

Lady Lena says surprised as she began to coax me, gently rubbing my pinched cheek which had turned slightly red

Although I wasn't crying she continued worryingly anyways.

[ "But isn't it her fault?" ]

He said as if he were being greatly mistreated.

The sight of the round-eyed, chubby cheeks prince sulking was quite adorable honestly.

[ "Prince Levin how could you possibly think or do such a thing!" ]

Lady Lena says in a disappointed and disapproving tone which causes him to become pale and look down guiltily.

Although he tried to hide it and stay strong we could all tell his round green eyes were starting to water.

Lady Lena who sees this can only sigh helplessly.

[ "Levin, for now, go to your room, I will come speak to you later" ]

She says rather gently in attempts to coax the 5-year-old prince who was on the verge of tears.

Prince Levin obediently nodded before quickly off of his bedroom.

Lady Lena and I both stared at his tiny departing figure.

[ "I'm sorry princess Cadence since Levin was my only child I always spoiled him a bit" ]

I looked to Lady Lena and smiled at her to indicate that it was okay.

She who saw this was considerably surprised and also brightly smiled in return.

This was probably due to the fact I ever so rarely smiled, even in my past life.

Seeing her reaction somehow greatly warmed my heart.

Maybe having someone who cares and loves you so much isn't so bad, in fact, it's quite pleasing.

Chapter V End

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