Chapter 5

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Picture of Zoella (Jeramy's mate) played by Alexandria Daddario above^^

Lucian's POV- (Wyatt visits Rose's mom)

"Hey bro what's up?" Asks my best friend and beta Michael through the phone.

"Nothing. The usual I guess." I reply.

"Well, Thomas is throwing a party tonight just letting you know. You going?"

"Hell yeah! Thomas throws the best parties in this pack!"

"Great! See you there and don't forget to bring your girlfriend."

"That slut? Nah man. I broke up with her two days ago."

"What bro? How come you didn't tell me?"

"Because I don't think it's important. Anyways stop acting like a girl and go buy a few drinks and bring them over."

"Fine bro. See you later."

"Yeah whatever."

With that I hang up. I walk towards the woods and am about to shift when I see Rosalind's car pull up at her driveway.

"What's she doing here?" I mumble to myself. I guess the rumors about her switching packs were false.

I see her walk into the house and I decide to shift into my wolf and go for a run.

I ran for a few hours until I needed a drink. I went over to the small pond that's between the two packs and take a drink.

I sit there for about an hour thinking about what happened these last few days.

First I find that Rosalind is my mate, then I reject her, then I dump my girlfriend, the mate bond brakes but not completely, and now for some unknown reason I want Rosalind back. What is wrong with me?

I run back over to where I shifted and shift back. I pick up my clothes which I hid in a tree and put them on. I see there's another car in Rosalind's driveway. I wonder whose it is.

I hide in a bush as I see two people walk out of the house. One is Wyatt which I recognize immediately due to the fact he's the neighboring pack's soon to be alpha, but the girl I don't really recognize. Must be his mate. She has a few similarities with Rosalind though... well a lot, but  I   know it's not her because Rosalind's hair isn't that long and she isn't as thin as this girl.

Rosalind has curves and this one has some but... I don't know. Maybe her and Rosalind are related somehow. After they get in his car I go to the pack house. I notice Michael is ready to go and that he drank most of the beers already.

"Bro you didn't wait for me!" I say jokingly.

"You took too long. Deal with it." He responds laughing.

"Whatever." I say as I grab a beer, open it, and drink up.

"I can't go to the party, my parents are making me attend a celebratory one at the Silver Linings pack for some new members and the welcoming of their new Alpha and Luna.." I say.

"Lame." I hear him call after me as I walk away.

Once I'm in my room which is at the top floor of the pack house, I take a shower and put on my black tux and white mask.

Once I was done I headed downstairs and noticed everyone had already left without me. Why do they always do that?

Anyways I got in my black Ferrari and drive to the Silver Linings Pack.

Once I arrived I noticed the guests of honor (the ones who just joined the pack) aren't here yet.

I saw Michael with a few of our friends so I headed over to where they were.

"Dude where the hell have you been?" Asks Michael.

"I was in the pack house getting ready when I noticed a few retarded idiots had already left without me. You're dad made you come too didn't he?" I respond.


"Have you guys seen Rosalind and the others?"

"Nah man but who would? Were all wearing masks." He says.

"Alright well I'm going to go grab a drink, coming?"

''Just got it refilled." He says while holding up a red solo cup.

As I was walking over to the bar to grab the drinks there was a group of people making a grand entrance. Show-offs.

As the spotlight was on them and everyone noticed them the room got quiet.

I have to admit they didn't only look pretty cool, they looked amazing (I'm talking about the girls only duh). I guess the boys looked nice too but I could pull it off way better. What am I saying? I look better than the guys.

A few minutes passed and I had gotten my beer. The room went back to normal and like usual there were some people making out etc.

-1 hour later-

The same people have got the spotlight again. The guy with the girl with the blue dress must be Wyatt. Anyways, like I was saying they got the spotlight once more just by kissing for longer than 30 seconds. I don't think they have even noticed the spotlight is on them. The moment they broke apart the girl noticed it and quickly hid a bit behind the guy. He got her hand and whispered something in her ears that not even my wolf hearing could make out. She nodded and he walked her to the stage.

He began to talk but I soon found myself zoning out and focusing on the girl. I have to admit she's pretty and looks like she could be a Luna. But she looks like she's too shy. Anyways, she has some features Rosalind has. Huh, maybe they're related. Here I go again, comparing every girl I see to Rosalind. Anyways, I have to stop thinking that they may be related.

As he finishes talking I go ahead and begin listening again.

"Her name is Rosalind and she is my second-chance mate. I will soon take over the Alpha title and she will soon be you're Luna."

What. The. Hell.

What. The. Mother. Fucking. Hell. Did. He. Just. Fucking. Say.

There is no fucking way that that is Rosalind. My Rosalind.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Someone starts to chant and soon everyone joins.

At that moment I walked out and went outside into the woods to get some fresh air.

She has a second mate. Only the wolves that are powerful and strong are rewarded by the moon goddess with a second mate if something happens to their first mate or they are rejected.

I made a mistake. I should've noticed before. Her wolf. It's different from most wolfs. Hers has a moon on it. Only a few in the entire world have it. Some don't even know what it means. But my father taught me that those wolves are the strongest wolfs there are. Some even have special powers. Damn. I should've known that day I caught her and the others in the woods.

Damn it!

Okay. I need to chill!

As I slowly walk around I manage to calm down. I walk back inside and ignore everyone and just go to a corner where I will hopefully be ignored.

Throughout the entire night I had many ideas. Sometimes I found myself looking at her too. But now... Now I know exactly how I can get her back. This better be good!

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