Chapter 7

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Lucian's POV-

"Stay still!" I yell once more.

"Well you see if you hadn't kidnapped me we wouldn't be in this position!"

She yells.

"Too bad! I did! Now stay still before I let my wolf out! And trust me you won't like him!" I yell back.

"Fuck you Lucian!" She yells.

"Rosalind shut the fuck up before you make me have to put wolfsbane in your system again!" I yell back.

She rolls her eyes and sticks up the middle finger.

"Go to bloody hell!" She yells.

"Damn it Rose! I told you to stop fucking moving! Do you want me to tie you up again?!"

"You tie me up and you will bloody die asshole! Now get your hands of off me!"

"Damn it! If you stop trying to run away I can let you go but every time I do you try to run. Again! So it's either you sit your ass down and I fucking tie your hands up, or I hold you so I know you can't leave! Or you have the best choice here, and stop trying to run away and I won't have to tie you up or hold you!"

She sighs.

"Fine you asshole! Just stop touching me!" She yells giving up.

"Finally! I have to go through all this trouble just so I can talk to you! Damn I underestimated you Rosalind! Now I'm going to let you go but if you run just know I have guards surrounding the entire mansion and a couple outside the door." I state.

Her eyes flash electric blue, purple, then green, then black and finally to their normal hazel eyes.

"Fine." She sighs giving up.

"What. The. Hell?" I ask in awe.

I look at her. But you might say it would be something more like staring while looking for a response in her eyes.

"What are you talking about?" She asks clearly confused.

"Your eyes." I say.

"What's up with my eyes?" She asks.

"Well, they turned from the hazel to electric blue ones to purple to green and finally black." I respond.

"Stop fooling around and tell me what happened with my damn eyes! I'm not up for your games Lucian!" She yells.

"I'm not fooling around your eyes really changed colors!" I say back.

"Yeah right! Because of you I missed my flight to France which left about five hours ago!" She yells.

"Rose... That flight was a year ago." I say.

"No it wasn't. It was today. I remember clearly. I was going out of the restroom when you decided you wanted to kidnap me and you put a cloth over my mouth and nose with fucking wolfsbane on it! What the hell were you thinking?! And then once I woke up I wake up to see you sitting next to me and I was wearing some of your clothes! Where the hell are my clothes and who the fuck changed me!" She asks/yells.

"Ok, first of all, you were in a coma for a year because of the wolfsbane. Next, I was sitting next to you because I was worried you might die on me. Furthermore I was thinking that using wolfsbane would be the quickest way to get you from leaving but apparently I wasn't thinking and you fell into this coma. And finally, a vampire changed you." I say.

"What the fuck?!!! A vampire changed me?! Boy are you insane?! I think I would've rather you changed me! And what the hell?! I've been in a fucking coma for a year?! Because of you?!!!! Motherfucker!!! I'm going to fucking kill you!" She yells but then remains quiet as she thinks through what she just said. She quickly blushed but tried to hide it by putting her hair over her face.

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