chapter 9

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Ashley's pov

Well, what can I say when I'm dying of boredom. I'm currently sitting in Ashton's private jet with nothing to do, I couldn't even see any unfinished document I could work on because they were all done and updated.

When we entered the jet I moved to the very first chair while he sat at the back well I don't wish to sit near him cause I don't want unpleasant old  memories.

He tried talking to me, you know asking if I wanted anything, if I was hungry or if I was comfortable but I always gave him a short answer telling him I was comfortable.

"Are you feeling sleepy?, you know you could get some sleep in the inner room" he said.
"No thanks" I answered again.

He sighed and came to the front where I was sitting "Ashley please don't do this" he said pleadingly. I raised my brows in confusion "do what?" I asked

"Pushing me away, please know I'm trying here. why do I feel you are hating me again?, I-" I didn't let him finish when I said "you know I'm not comfortable here, and you are making it worse, so I beg you I need my privacy cause that's all I can ask for right now" I snapped.

He was about to say something when the pilot announced that we are about to land. I sighed in relief still looking down.

He signed irritably and stomped to his sit to put on his seat belt. And then we landed safely. Look, I'm not among those people who usually get afraid when the plane is about to take off or land cause I was alone the whole time and even before I left my mother we never travelled.

We came down from the jet and he walked pass me directly to the limousine and he opened the door for me to enter. I was surprised really cause he was this rich.

I  walked to the limo that was taking us to wherever he was taking us to. After the driver put my things away in the trunk of the limo, I entered and rested my head on the window and closed my eyes.

The car stopped and I opened my eyes, "where are we?" Was the first thing that came out of my mouth.
"My company, I need to take some documents from my office" he answered with no emotion.

I was about to ask him about where I was going to stay when he beat me to it "when I return, we will take you to your resort".
"No thank you, I can do that myself" I snapped.
"I'm not going to argue with you" he snapped back. With that he walked out leaving me shocked.

I snapped back to reality when the driver asked if I was okay. I learnt his name was Edward so I smiled at him and nodded.

I opened the limo and went to the trunk and tried removing my boxes but  man they were many and some were heavy. I removed the ones I could and went to Edwards window and knocked on it and he rolled down."um- could you help me bring out my bag while I hail a cab? I asked politely

"Sure ma'am but wouldn't sir be mad?" he asked. "No not at all" I replied. He nodded and brought out my bags and I thanked him. I tried hailing a cab but it was late so they were either full or none was passing at all. It was 9:00 pm already.

The company door opened and Ashton stepped out he walked towards the limo without looking at his surrounding. He entered and the limo drove away.

I sighed in relief and before I knew it I heard loud screeching of car tire's. I turned to where the sound came from and it was the limo. I waited but nothing happened so I turned to the other side trying to spot a taxi.

"Damn it Ashley, what is wrong with you? Why didn't you tell me before you left the limo? What if something bad happened?" He yelled brooding towards me in anger.
I didn't reply I just turned to the other side as if nothing happened.
He suddenly grabbed my hand roughly and turned me to him. Shit that's gonna leave a bruise. As if that wasn't enough he started yelling at me as if I was a teenager.

I scoffed, nobody cared before so why now. He pushed me roughly that I almost fell backwards and then the yelling started.

"What the hell Ashton, what's the meaning of this, you never cared before so why do you care now? I take my decisions myself so do your part and leave mine" I finished and I was panting like I ran a long race.

"Really?" he asked hurt evident in his voice.
"Yes so please leave, if your worried I won't show up tomorrow don't worry I will be there" I said tiredly.
"Well suit yourself" he said harshly and walked to the limo driving away immediately.
I sighed and looked at my wrist watch 10:00 already. Damn we argued for this long.

I finally spotted a cab and I was thankful. I asked the driver where I could find a good hotel I can stay for a few days and he drove me to one.

The hotel was nice and it looked comfy so I paid him and dragged my luggages inside the hotel. The receptionist was a girl a beautiful one at that and she looked really familiar. She smiled at me. Oh my gosh I Know that smile it was Chole one of my high school best friends.

"Chole" I whispered and she turned to me giving me a confused stare and before I knew it her eyes widened in realisation and she screamed "Ashley!!!!" She ran and hugged me tightly and she started sobbing. I had tears in my eyes too but I was stronger than that so I blinked it back.

She pulled back and touched my face with tears still in her eyes. "Hey" I whispered. She hugged me again. Damn too much drama for one day. I was jet lagged already so I pleaded with her to show me my room and she did reluctantly.

She refused to collect money from me and I was surprised. I later learned that her father was the owner.

After dragging my luggages into the room, without changing I dived on the bed and sleep engulfed me immediately. I was happy, really happy cause I have one person who's always going to be there for me and that was

Jesus finally 🤗🤗

The longest chapter so far..
Trust me there are really going to be longer chapters coming.


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