Chapter 14

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I arrive at Lily's front gate. All the lights are on and I can hear music playing inside. I go up to the door, avoiding what is unmistakably a massive pile of Jeffery's shit in the middle of the foot path.

      I stand on the doorstep, taking deep breaths, trying to calm my nerves and fake some confidence. Eventually I'm as ready as I'll ever be, so I step forwards and knock on the door three times, my heart racing a billion miles an hour.

      From inside the house I hear voices and footsteps coming down the hall. The door opens to reveal Lily standing there smiling warmly at me, dressed in a beautiful blue dress, her hair straightened and wearing makeup.

      'Hey, you.' She smiles eagerly, embracing me. 'We've been waiting for you.'

      'Are Dianne and George here?' I ask stupidly, my nerves getting the better of me.

      'Of course,' Lily says, a bemused expression on her face. I glance around awkwardly while Lily stares fondly at me.

      'How do I look?'

      'Like you've made a real effort,' she says. 'You look fine. Stop being a wuss – they'll judge you far less than you think they will. Just be yourself.'

      Lily takes my hand and leads me down the hall to the kitchen. A man is standing at the bench top, cooking. He is tall, clean cut and slightly gangly, wearing glasses and a shirt with a tie. He has hazel-brown eyes and curly brown hair. He looks business-like, professional, but a bit artistic too.

      The man turns to greet us. 'Jason, my boy,' he says warmly, extending his hand. 'How are you? We're very excited to finally meet you.'

      'I'm all right, thanks, um ... George. That's great, I'm excited to be here.'

      Lily drifts behind me and pinches me subtly on the bum, causing me to blush.

      'That's great, mate,' George says. 'Lily's told us so much about you. It's great to finally meet you in person. I'm just cooking up a nice ravioli. You like it?'

      'Um, yeah,' I reply. I've never tried it in my life.

       Lily glides around the bench to pour us both an orange juice. She hands me a glass and we stand around in semi silence as George continues preparing the food.

      'So, um, where's Dianne?' I ask the room at large. 'Is she gonna join us tonight?'

      'She most certainly will,' says George, smiling. 'She's just down at the local getting a Sangiovese, she'll be back shortly.'

      I glance at Lily searchingly.

      'Wine,' she mouths at me and indicates for me to sit down on a kitchen stool. Lily takes the one beside me, sipping her orange juice and placing her hand on my knee.

      'So, Jason,' George prompts, casually stacking some dirty dishes, 'how's school going?'

      'Um, all right,' I lie. 'Just plodding along, trying to get the best grades I can.'

      George nods encouragingly. 'Yeah, in the end that's what school's all about. Just try your hardest and you'll do all right in the end.'

      I raise my glass to him. I'm starting to like George. He seems like a genuinely nice, positive guy. Clearly Lily gets her personality and good nature from him.

      I hear a key go in the front door and it swings open.

      George glances up. 'Ah, looks like the mistress of the house has arrived.' He grins cheekily. 'Prepare your best curtsy.'

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