6- A god is discovered.

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Y/N Pov:

As Nanami and I were safe the ground the shrine spirits summoned the night carriage.  I sighed as the doors swung open as I climbed inside with Nanami. I winced as I felt a pang of pain in my ankle. Looking down I see the thick blood roll down in thick beads. Kotetsu gasped as Tomoe crawled in, pointing at the area between my collar bones. 

"Master Tomoe look Y/n has the mark of a god as well! Forgive me for not addressing you properly Lady Y/n." My eyes widened as Tomoe and Nanami leaned in close to look at the area. Kotetsu tapped they are letting out a somewhat dim light from my chest.

"W-What!? No, I think you have the wrong person!" Tomoe shook his head. 

"Sadly not, it seems you have the mark of the star god Tsuki-Yomi. Did a man ever give you a kiss right there?" I shook my head. 

"No, not that I can recall."  Onikiri cheered, 

"That means you're the child of the star god!" My head spun as I leaned against the wall. 

"Congrats Y/n ."

I nodded attempting to shift my position but winced as the pain shot through my body. Tomoe sighed and sat next to me. He held out his hand. 

"You're hurt give me your ankle." I shuffled lifting my ankle into the palm of his hand awkwardly. He placed his other hand on top of my ankle and closed his eyes. Small fox fire flames ignited from my his pale palms. The flames gently caressed my skin as the wounds became smaller. He placed my ankle down slowly wrapping its bandages. "There," He huffed. I nodded in thanks and closed my eyes.

As my eyes closed the eerie feeling of the carriage seeped into my mind. My vision came to. I  stood among an open forest. I looked up seeing stars.

"Tsuki-Yomi are you here?" Suddenly the same man appeared and walked to me. 

" Y/n I'm so glad you relearned my name!" He embraced me his silver hair surrounded him. His dark skin decorated with multiple yellow and orange freckles like stars in the sky. His eyes as orange and red as the sun.

"Father...?" He stiffened his body soon shaking, racked with sobs. 

" Oh, Starlight! How I missed you!" He separated from me. I smiled weary unsure how to feel from the lack of recollection of this man. How should I feel?

I opened my eyes once more, greeting the sight of Nanami and I's newly made room. My body heaving from the sudden awakening.

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