Be A Can Opener!

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I let out a huff of air, mind hazy and content to just drift in and out of sleep. I shifted slightly, twitching my nose as the grass tickled it. Meh. I turned over onto my back to rid myself of the feeling of getting grass up my nose.

A shadow came over me and stayed. I groaned, the sun had been warm. A grumbling snicker reached my ears, it sounded amused. I grunted and squinted my eyes open to find whatever smug bastard found my sleeping funny. Probably Cyber...

I blinked wider to clear the fuzzy image that loomed before me. My eyes widened and I felt my breath hitch.

I shot up, shrieking, and scrambled away from the cannibal. I felt my heart pounding and I clutched my chest as I looked back at the creature.

He watched me, eyes dancing with mirth and lips curled in a fanged smirk. It apparently got a kick out of freaking me out occasionally.

I huffed and tried to slow my breathing. When I felt okay again I got to a shaky stand and stomped my way out of the green house. The cannibal was quick to follow, giving me a stream of cheerful growls as it bounded ahead of me.

We made for the patio where the cannibal had recently begun to leave the fish it brought me. They were laid out on the edge of the fountain and I began to carefully inspect them for mutations. Two of them were perfectly fine, but the third was blotched with patches of purple fur and looked to have horns like that of a mountain sheep.

I frowned, guess the cannibal still didn't realize I wouldn't eat mutated creatures. What to do with it though? I could throw it in the scrap bucket...but?

I glanced at the cannibal who was watching me in a curious manner. The creature seemed to have become rather fascinated with the process of food preparation.

Would it be offended if I just threw it out? It had been a bit miffed the first time it saw me discarding the guts... It had huffed and given me a serious look, but when I ignored the creature it did eventually get over whatever issue it was having. Perhaps it didn't like to waste food? Or it just thought organs were delicious...

Just to be safe I left the fish where it was and began preparing the other two. The cannibal didn't seem to notice, far more interested in the scrap bucket once I was done.

Soup or roast? Today felt like a roast fish day. I set about with the cooking. Once done I sat back on the edge of the fountain, chewing at my meal. Catfish still tasted like mud.

I glanced over at the cannibal. The creature had finished with the scraps and was now licking its claws clean. It seemed to have enjoyed its snack, but I doubted that was really enough to keep it satisfied for long.

I looked back at the mutant fish beside me. Huh? Maybe the cannibal would want to eat it? It certainly seemed like a less offensive way to dispose of it. Why not?

I picked it up by the gills and clicked my tongue.

The cannibal paused its grooming and looked up. It coughed out a bark-like response and gave me a toothy grin.

"I don't eat rain creatures, so you can have this." I tossed the fish in front of the cannibal.

It started, eyes wide, and stared down at the fish. It looked back at me after a moment, seeming confused.

I paused, chest feeling tight. Had I accidentally done something wrong? I waited, muscles tense.

The cannibal seemed to snap out of it and quickly snatched the fish into its jaws. It tossed it up, swallowing it whole when it came down.

I raised an eyebrow, a cold tingle trailing up my skin. I hadn't ever seen the cannibal actually eating large game. It now occurs to me that, if I could avoid it, I would much rather not. Ever.

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