Chapter 6

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That evening I hear a quiet creek as my door opens. It reveals Neil who's come to get me to go to the cave. He reaches his hand out to me and I take it as we quietly and quickly run down the hall to where the boys are waiting for us. The shadows of our hooded figures can be seen moving throughout the darkened halls. Suddenly we hear a dog barking that I remember to be Nolans.

I can see the boys take out dog cookies to bribe the dog, but I simply crouch down and pet him before he simply lays back down. 'Wow', the boys mumble impressed. All the while Neil hadn't let go of my hand yet, not that I minded.

All of us quietly leave the building and set off running across the fields towards the woods.

We search about the trees trying to find the cave, Neil kept my hand in his so I didn't slip on the unpredictable footing of the wood. I silently thanked the dark for hiding the fierce blush that had come to dust my cheeks. From the corner of my eyes I see Meeks searching around when Charlie leaps up behind Meeks in the dark shining the flashlight up at his own face and grabs Meeks by the shoulder. 'Arrr, I'm a dead poet.' he yells.

'Aww, Charlie', Meeks whines.

'Guys, over here', Charlie laughs.

'You're funny. You're real funny', Meeks states sarcastically.

When we get in the cave the boys are trying to start a fire, but the cave is quickly filling up with smoke.

'It's too wet', Meeks says, referring to the wood.

'God, are you trying to smoke us out of here?' Charlie complains, causing me to laugh quietly. This earns me a glance from Neil who winks at me.

'No, no, the smoke's going right up this opening', Meeks points.

Pitts tries to stand up and slams his head into the low rock ceiling. He lets out a yell while the others laugh.

'You okay?' I ask, touching his arm. He smiles and tells me he's fine, though he mumbles something about: 'Oh God. Clowns.' referring to the boys.

'All right, all right, forget the fire. Let's go gentlemen, and lady.' Neil finally opts, before standing up before the others with the book in hand, and takes a drag on a cigarette before passing it on to Charlie.

'I hereby reconvene the Dead Poets Society', he states, causing the boys and me to cheer. Charlie tries to skip me to pass the cirgatette to Pitts who sits next to me. But I snatch it out of his hand and take a drag, causing all the boys to look at me surprised. I breath the smoke back out without coughing, this wasn't the first time I'd smoked after all. 

I pass the cigarette to Pitts who takes it looking at me astonished before I turn back to Neil with an innocent expression in my eyes.

'Welton chapter', he says after gawping at me for another second, 'The meetings will be conducted by myself and the other new initiates now present. Todd Anderson, because he prefers not to read, will keep minutes of the meetings. I'll now read the traditional opening message by society member Henry David Thoreau. "I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life."'

'I'll second that', Charlie interrupts.

'"To put to rout all that was not life, and not, when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived.'

Several boys whistle softly in reaction to the poem, I just smile.

'And Keating's marked a bunch of other pages', Neil mumbles as he begins flipping through the book as he sits back down next to me and sliding his arm around me for warmth.

Finally a happy end/ Dead Poets Society (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now