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Emily's POV

After the movie was over, we left for home.

I didn't speak to Xavier after he yelled at me and I can't blame him.

I guess I was being stubborn. It's just that my mom and dad planted a lot of things in my head that I thought was right.

The way back to where we live was a 30 minutes drive and we weren't home yet. So I looked out of the window, looking at the stars in the pitch-black sky as the bright moon was shining brightly.

The radio was playing faintly in the car and the engine of the car could be heard. Xavier stopped as the traffic light turned red and my eyes scanned the lonely streets. Beggars could be seen laying on the cold icy ground while covering themselves with a blanket to give them heat while some people were seen strolling around the streets ready to steal from a passbyer.

The light turned green and he continued driving. I looked at the window and saw small raindrop sliding down it. It's raining! And I was happy. I love the rain.

When I was small, my parents used to put me out of the house at nights especially when it used to rain and I would sleep in the rain until the next day. I would catch a cold most of the time, sometimes I get very sick but I was happy because I would be taken to the hospital and away from my parents. I was glad that I won't have to see my parents and step-sister for some time.

'If I ran out in the rain now and sleep in it until tomorrow, would I get to go to the hospital?' I asked my self.' Would I be so sick that I won't be able to see my step sister and parents again?'

I thought and thought about my awful past until I felt my eyelid heavy and I fell asleep minutes later.


Xavier's POV.

As I stopped at the red light, I looked over to Emily and saw her focus was on the street opposite me. There were some beggars and people around there.

I felt guilty for yelling at her which I shouldn't have. If she wants to work then I shouldn't stop her but I got angry because she didn't take my money.

I mean why? Am I not that rich?

I'm a billionaire for God's sake! Isn't that what all girls want? A billionaire husband to give them money to go shopping and all the other stuff?

Why wouldn't she want to take my money?

Sighing, I looked as the light turned green at the same time and I drove.

Then it began to rain. It was falling pretty hard and I forgot. There was going to be a rainstorm tonight.

How can I forgot?!

Looking back at Emily, I saw her smiling at the window.
What's she smiling about?

Not caring, I turned my focus back to the road and drove carefully home.

As I pulled up at my house, I parked in front of my door so that we can get out quickly and not get that wet. Turning to Emily, I saw her sleeping.

Oh God.

Sighing, I took out my phone and dialed my home phone. "Hello?" One of my maids answered.

"Bring me a big umbrella. I'm outside" I said to him.

"Right away sir," He said and I hang up.

2 minutes later, I saw him walking quickly towards the car with an umbrella in his hands.

The Contract Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora