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"I'm leaving now Ryan" I waved at him.

Ryan is one of my workmates. Yes, after begging Xavier for a million times he finally decided for me to work. I was working in a small flower shop in new york. I love my job here, Especially selling flowers to lovely couples! It's not that I want to make my own money, even though I do. (I don't want to depend on him every time) it's just that I'm bored being home and want to work, I miss working.

"Emily, let me walk you outside," he said. Ryan was a young teenager who goes to school. He's seventeen years of age with blonde hair, frickles scattered on his face and a few inches taller than me. We usually hang out at work a lot, especially during our lunch break.

I found out he's working here as a summer job since it's now summer. He's saving money to go on a vacation to Paris. He's actually a very manner child and I sometimes take him as the brother I've never had. I just love this kid....but not as much as Xavier.

"So....how's the trip you've been saving for?" I asked as he opened the door for me.

"I'm almost there. Just another two or three weeks and I'll have enough money to go on my vacation" he replied happily and I smiled at him before scattering his hair on his head.

"Good boy," I said and he scoffs at me.

"I told you how many times I'm not your brother" he pouted and I laughed at him.

"Okay, okay I'll stop. Anyways, I have to go. I'll see you around" I waved at him.

"Oh and Emily....here," he said and handed me some flowers.

"This is?"

"Oh, nothing. Just for my big sister" he laughed and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Oh well thank you" I gladly accepted it.

"I'll see eye around E--" he stopped talking as he looked over my shoulder and a hint of fear flashed through his eyes.

"What?" I asked and turned around to see Xavier in his car while sending a deadly glare at him. He just had to come...

"I-I'll be going," he said and left and I sigh.

Ryan and Xavier had met before and unfortunately, Xavier doesn't like him! He even threatened the poor boy to leave me alone. How mean of him...

"honey...." he began while exiting his car.

"What do you always do this?" I asked a little angered at him.

"Do what?" He asked innocently while shrugging his shoulders.

"I told you he doesn't have an interest in me. He's like a brother to me. Gosh, Xavier" I said while he guides me to the passenger's seat.

"I know and I don't care. I don't want you talking to any guy Emily" He said and I sigh.

"Whatever" I waved him off as he opened the car door for me and slapped my ass which I yelp out before sending him a glare.

"Get in," he said while acting like he didn't do a thing and I send another glare at him and he smirked looking away. I sat in the passenger's seat and we drive off.

"Why did you even come to pick me up for?" I asked. I usually take the bus. He must have come to cause trouble again. Last time he came to my work palace and showed off himself but thanks to him we had a lot of customers that day.

"Can't I come to pick up my wife?" He asked and I sigh again.

"Whatever," I said and changed the topic. "So how was work?"

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