How 'It' Happened

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Erada wrote: 'If it's both terrifying and amazing then you should definitely pursue it.'  And I guess you could say that's exactly what I did. When the test results came back I think I was in disbelief. We could even go so far as to say that I was in denial but after that first ultrasound scan... That was the first time I had ever fallen in love. As a little kid I always assumed my first love would be my Prince Charming. I never could have imagined that my first love would be the tiny human growing inside me.

My name is Julie Groblaar. I'm a grade 11 student in Cornwall College and I'm pregnant.

High school has always been a strange place to me. My best and only friend is my cousin;she's been there for me through thick and thin. Even now with me and my growing belly she's hovering around ready to help me out or banshee scream at whoever is judging me.
"Hey 4-eyes! Whatcha staring at?" She yells to some 8th grader who seems hell-bent on looking at my stomach.
"Clam down Danae. There's no point in telling them off when I'm the latest attraction of the year." I say putting a hand on her shoulder. She sighs and nods.
"I know second term's just started but have you talked to them?" She looks at me pointedly; like she knows that I'm gonna say no.
"Not yet."
"Julie! You have to tell them. Do wanna end up doing this alone?" I have to hang my head. Keeping this baby seems like one difficult decision that continues to create more difficult decisions.
"I don't have to do anything and I can raise it alone if I want."
"Just think about it ok?"
"Ok." Like somehow saying ok will make this any easier.

The bell screeches and we head to class. I take my window seat at the front. To my left is my possible baby daddy number 1: Vince Winters. Cornwall's ultimate tech geek. The boy's known for his hacking skills and god-like looks. 3 desks behind me sits possible baby daddy number 2: Blake Ashton. My next door neighbor and Danae's Saturday morning yoga instructor.Considering how un-athletic my cousin and I are you can just imagine how ridiculously hot he must be to keep her going to classes on a weekly basis. I can feel their eyes on me. I'm not one to go sleeping around or to let one drunken night take my virginity but 4 months ago at that school camp my life was changed forever.

It was there where I got knocked up. Our class was put into groups. The group I was assigned to consisted of: Blake, Danae, Vince and me.Danae got lost and while the boys and I were searching for her a freak storm broke out. Soon the rain turned to hail and we decided to go look for shelter. We found one of the older camp cabins and waited out the storm there. The storm lasted the night and it was the sleeping arrangement that spurred the whole situation on. One heated night with the two of them and a month later my period didn't come...

Vince stands up and saunters over just as Blake reaches my chair.
"Hey Julie Darling," Blake says,"you do anything interesting for holiday?" I shrug.
"Um if you find Netflix interesting then yes." I respond. Vince rolls his eyes.
"How's the little sucker?" He gestures to my baby bump.
"Did you seriously just make a Hercules analogy?" I laugh. Although I've never officially told the boys they both know that they were my first time; so they've figured out that the father has to be one of them.
"Real lame Vince." Blake scoffs.
"Rich coming from the dude who greets like a stalker. Ain't that right Sweets?" Vince asks me. Their bickering makes me furious because whenever they're together they always play this pointless macho testosterone game.
"The baby is fine but she won't be anymore if you lot keep ticking me off!"
I notice the whole class has gone quiet due to me. I hadn't even realized I was shouting so loudly. Even Mrs van der Berg is glowering at me.
"Sorry uh hormones?" Covering my ass with this excuse is really starting to get old. Just 5 more months to go and all this will be done.
I hope.

Sweet Julie Darling Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя