Her Heart's Decision

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Calling 'Mom' was one of the most difficult experiences of my life; other than loosing my real parents of course. Gran has made all the arrangements: 'Mom' going to a facility, hiring a detective to find any remaining relatives of mine and me. Gran says that while the detective is digging into my family tree that I should take some time away from my drama back home. She's suggested that I live here in Ireland and finish off grade 11 here via homeschool. And I decided to take her advice.

Bzzzt bzzzt... Ping!
"Your phone's going off again. Juliana are you going to answer?" Gran taps me on the shoulder.
"Oh! Uh maybe," I stare at the screen.
"Is it that boy again? I thought Kruger spoke to them about giving you space." I nod.
"She did but Vince is well..." she smiles.
"He misses you. A boy whose constantly been checking up on you, who even offered to fly out to see you despite what he's been told and respects your need for space on top of that. If I didn't know any better I'd say he's in love." I almost fall off my chair.
"Inside voice child." It takes me a moment to consider her words.
"What are you saying Gran?" And yes she might not be blood but I've decided she'll still always be my family. She laughs and sits her hands on her hips.
"I'm saying that this boy cares deeply for you. I haven't met him yet and I already know this."
"But there's also Blake..."
"The one who wants to marry you after school?" I sigh.
"My child I hate to put pressure on you after all you've gone through but I need to be the voice of reason here." I raise a eyebrow. What does she mean by that?
"Juliana you need to think about your future. These boys obviously mean something to you and they seem to be going out of their way to get your heart."
"Where are we going with is?"
"You can't string them along forever."
"How can it be love?! I've only ever gone on 1 date with each of them."
"Yes but in order for them to knock you up..." I stare in horror.
"Shush and let me finish. Now where was I? Oh yes they had to have been interested or at least have some feelings for you in order to get you pregnant. They've been by your side since then haven't they?"
"Ha. Yeah they have."
"Well then that's been absolutely enough time to fall for you."
"But what if I've been so busy thinking about everything else that I'm only starting to have some feelings for them?" She hugs me and points to my phone.
"Then it's time to decide what or who you want and yes you've had enough time you just haven't realized it."
"How do I decide?"
"Trust yourself child. I'm not saying you have to marry one of them or even be with either of them at all but you shouldn't play with their hearts."

New group started by Julie. I can't believe I'm doing this but Gran is right.
Hey long time no talk.-B
Sweets is everything ok?-V
Yes I'll explain everything someday but I need to know: do you love me?-J Silence for a long time. I'm so nervous my hands are actually shaking.
Julie why this now?-B
Please just answer.-J
I've been in love with you. Never stopped.-V My jaw drops. He loves me. Vince Winters loves me!
Dude what?! I asked her to marry me you can't just come in and tell her you love her!-B
Do you love me Julie?-V
Winters just stop man!-B
Blake do you love me yes or no?-J
I...you might have my kid Darling.-B
Answer the question Blake.-J
Brutal honesty.-J
I love the idea of being a dad but I'm not sure how I feel about you.-B

I run to Gran and show her the conversation.
"So what's the verdict? Vince, Blake or single mamma?" I smile and Gran peeps over my shoulder as I type:
I'm not quite sure I'd call it love yet but once I get back how about we change that?-J
I'll be waiting.-V
Oh and your thoughts on the whole marriage idea?-J
Not until we're ready.-V
Good! I'll call you later.-J
Good and can't wait;-)-V
Congrats Winters and take care of Julie.-B
I'm sorry if I hurt you Blake but I still wanna be friends. Is that ok?-J
Yeah I think that's best. Laterz.-B

"I'm proud of you!" I hug her.
"Thanks for everything!" Gran takes my hand and we dance round the kitchen table. The sound of Gran's ringtone cuts us short.
"Hello?" She goes pale and looks at me. I wait patiently for the call to end.
"Who was it?"
"The detective. He's found your relatives and they're here."
"In the next town over to be specific. Do you think you're ready to meet them?" I take a deep breath.
"Ready as I'll ever be."

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