Chapter 26: Confessions

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Chapter 26

'Get his scent off,' was the only thought that ran through my mind as I rushed back towards the pack house.

My palm was healing and the bruises on my arms were already disappearing but the blood stain on my t-shirt and Jake's human scent on my arms were still very pungent. While I may not be able to sense Jake's smell on me, I knew for a fact that any wolf would be able to smell another human's scent even if Jake just touched me.

Thane, on the other hand, would be able to sniff someone else's scent on me from a mile away.

Luckily no one returned from helping set up the wedding so I was all clear in the pack house as I practically sprinted up the steps and stripped my clothes from my body and threw them into the washer with a myriad of scented fabric softeners to help cover Jake's scent.

I hopped in the shower and after scrubbing my body with a few different soaps and body wash, I let the warm water wash over me as I closed my eyes and contemplated everything that happened.

I couldn't possibly sedate a werewolf and give him or her over to Jake nor could I allow a full on war between the hunters and the pack. Even if Thane and his pack could take on the hunters, there would be casualties because a silver bullet would instantly kill any wolf.

I can't have anyone being hurt or, god forbid, dying on my hands. Not Thane and not any other wolf.

But the last thing I could do is tell Thane because he would hate me for even saying I would take a wolf to Jake. Heck, I hate myself for saying it despite not meaning a word of it. There was no way around this and I knew I had to tell Thane just in case Jake decided to attack at any moment, but how would I even approach the topic.

I stepped out of the shower and quickly got changed with a heavy heart and the weight of the situation on my shoulders.

If I were to tell Thane about all of this, besides him hating me, I knew he would call off the wedding to prepare for battle or construct some plan and I couldn't have that. Not for my own selfish reasons but because I knew it was important to him and it would crush him to cancel it after he's been patiently waiting for me.

It was then that I decided I would do what I originally planned when I told Jake I would bring him the wolf.

I'd go to the forest alone to meet Jake and then I would mind link Thane before Jake could realize what was happening. That way Jake would be ambushed and no wolves would be harmed. If I tell Thane before, I would risk not only Thane's trust but whoever is spying for Jake could be in the pack and figure out I tattled. Thane would mark me by then so he would be able to mind link me and vice versa. Therefore I could act like I was going to Jake alone when in reality I would mind link Thane before I get to Jake. That way he could attack Jake from behind and surprise him. If Jake do however captures me, my scent would be more powerful to Thane after mating, so he would be able to track me down.

Seemed simple enough, I thought to myself as I tucked the syringe of the sedative in a cabinet in the bathroom where I was sure Thane wouldn't find it.

It was already approaching night by the time I devised my plan and I knew Thane would be back soon and I couldn't face him and knew he would be able to read me like a book. So I laid down to sleep and hoped that the darkness would take me but it was to no avail as I twist and turn with uneasiness.

Long after the sun settled beyond the mountains from the pack house view, Thane quietly walked into the room but I kept my eyes shut and pretended to be asleep. I couldn't lie to him and I couldn't hurt him either.

He walked over to my side of the bed and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead, "Good night sweetheart."

It broke my heart that I couldn't even talk to him but I didn't want to ruin the wedding for him. I heard Thane in the shower and not long after he joined me in the bed and pulled me flush against him and wrapped his arm around me. I couldn't help but snuggle into him despite knowing that I was basically betraying him and the pack.

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