Chapter 37: Paying His Debt

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Chapter 37

Around a week after I woke up from my coma, Thane allowed me to move around on my own.

Since I woke up, he's been taking care of me none stop even though I could tell he was exhausted and still recovering from his death experience. Every night I would wake up to see him wide awake and looking as if he was ready to fight anyone who dared to harm me and our baby.

And I would always have to coax him to go to sleep.

I appreciated his protectiveness but he was starting to worry me when I noticed how tired he looked day by day.

He made sure I was comfortable every second of the day by having my meals brought to me in bed, ensuring doctor Adler was only seconds away and keeping an eye on me whenever I moved a muscle.

When he finally gave me back my independence, my first request was to go visit our fallen friends' graves.

I picked sixty-two pink carnations from the garden in the backyard before Thane and I drove to where they buried pack members.

The cemetery was a huge piece of land that went on for miles and miles since generations of wolves have been laid to rest here.

The area was absolutely quiet and serene with a feeling of peace.

Thane wrapped his arm around me as we approached the graves that were freshly placed and I couldn't help but feel agony from both my own emotions and Thane's.

Thane knew these people his entire life and I could tell he was affected by their deaths much more than he was leading on.

I've only known them for a few months but they were family. They accepted me whole heartedly without reservations and treated me with respect. And what happened in return? My lunatic of an ex-boyfriend came along to their home and slaughtered them.

There was no way I would every forgive myself for that day but for their sake, I would try to live for them all and protect the pack from any other person who tried to harm us.

I soaked in each wolves' name to memory as I placed a carnation on each of their grave.

When I stood before Delilah's grave, I broke down. I fell to my knees before her head stone as I recalled our brief but strong friendship.

Thane disappeared as he gave me a moment alone to try and gather my thoughts and have a moment to thank them all.

"I'm sorry to all of you." I wiped my tears away and went on, "If I hadn't been brought here or if I was a better Luna then maybe you all would be here today with your families. I should've been there that day to protect you all and I wasn't and for that I'm truly sorry. I just wished I could have protected you all as you all protected me."

A gentle sweep of the wind was my only response and I hoped that if they could hear me and forgive me for putting them in danger.

I closed my eyes and sent a silent prayer to the Moon Goddess to watch over their souls. After saying my peace, I rose to my feet and dust my pants off before I heard a voice behind me,

"You can't blame yourself forever." Thane gently said.

"Maybe I can."


I cut him off, "I really don't want to fight with you but I'm not going to blame myself fully. It was partially my fault but I know that in order to heal I need to forgive, even if it's myself. But something in me will forever hold myself accountable."

I turned towards him, right into his open arms, "You're as stubborn as a mule." He smirked.

"Then let's hope our baby comes out like you." I whispered as Thane's focus shifted to my little bump.

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