chapter 9

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Princess Joanna's quick but calculated footsteps echoed in Skye's ears as she followed her lady upstairs to her chambers.
They were heading back to ladies' chambers after the feast that royal ladies had.

Closing the door of princess' chamber behind her, she turns around slightly out of breath as if she had run a marathon. Holding a hand over her chest, she tried to calm her breathing down.

"How can lady Olivia even say something like this to me?" I glance up at the princess who is pacing the room back and forth regardless of the tiredness that she might have been feeling in her muscles like skye due to walking all the way up.

"I think she just gave her opinion my lady, you shouldn't stress this much over the matter." Skye tries to comfort her with her eyes following her constant movement.

Lady instantly stopped in her track and looked at her with thinned lips,"so you think that her insisting me to accept the proposal of her oh so bright son is just the suggestion?"

"Uh-yes?" Skye's eyes furrowed and a nervous smile appeared on her face as she voiced her thoughts.

Lady stomped her feet on the floor exhaling a ragged breath. Skye stayed silent, trying to analyze how princess is gonna handle this issue.

Lady took few quick steps to her closing the distance and put her hands on Skye's shoulders. Skye caught deep down sadness in lady's eyes and her heart instantly melted at what the lady might be going through at the moment.

"Skye," her voice slow an octave,"in case you haven't noticed, she was persistent about the proposal and her asking about father's visit to the castle spoke volumes." Lady tried to reason with Skye.

Skye thought about it for a moment. This afternoon, during the feast, lady Olivia, queen of Alexandrian state proposed her son's hand for princess. When princess showed hesitance then she tried to know about the arrival of Lord Gregor-princess' father. So that she could discuss the matters with him. It felt like as if she was adamant on princess' match with her son on ball day.

"Then what are you gonna do now, my lady?" Skye questioned and lady closed her eyes turning around, as if Skye just admitted her greatest fear.

Lady stopped right in front of the window looking at huge garden beneath her window and cool breeze harshly slapped her face, playing ninja with her otherwise peaceful locks.

She instantly folded her arms and started caressing her upper arms trying to block the cold wave of air that was trying to penetrate inside her body without her approval. Skye stood close behind her.

"I think it's time we start taking matters seriously." Lady mumbled and a frown replaced Skye's sad face, confused about what the lady was talking about.

Lady turned around and fixed her gaze at Skye who instantly felt her back muscles stiffening.

"Skye dear!," Lady whispered, once again closing the distance as she took skye's hand in hers," you have to go back in male chambers and try to find out whether Thomas answered or not."

Lady's hopeful orbs were darting left and right inside skye's brown eyes and for a moment Skye felt perplexed at the thought of going back there again in the middle of the night.

She had already been suffering from the taunting and accusations from that rude commander and she didn't want to go through that all over again.

Lady squeezed skye's hand gaining back her attention. Skye could see how lady was expecting so much from her. Even she didn't go there then lady might stay this Disturbed the entire week until the ball and who knows what might happen when Lord Gregor arrives at Alexandrian state.

Skye's lips tugged up hesitantly in approval with glistening eyes, holding all the fears behind her reassuring look. Lady's shoulders slumped down as weight was lifted out of her shoulders and heavy sigh escaped her lips.

She directed a close mouthed smile towards Skye and Skye felt a gentle tug at her hand. Then Skye turned around and left the chamber to go to her own chamber for dwelling in her own  miseries that future might claw it's paws at sooner than later.


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