chapter 29

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Water drops dripped audibly in a water bowl as prince Raine squeezed the cotton strip and then folded it neatly to place it on Syke's forehead. He looked at her still unconscious form lying soundly in his bed. The left side of his body could feel the heat radiating from her body where his thighs were touching her torso.

He was settled beside her with his calculating gaze analyzing every single breathe she took. Her expressions looked too peaceful contrary to the emotions that were swirling on her face couple of hours ago before she fell unconscious.

Her brown strands were mingled with the dark sheets of his bed and he hunched forward in curiosity and took single strand in between his fingers and he ran his thumb over it. It felt unnaturally smooth as if made of silk unlike its fiery appearance and the thought reminded him of her attitude which was a deep contrast to her inner vulnerable nature.

Curling the strand of hair around his finger, he felt somewhat drawn to it as he did unexpected thing. Before he could stop himself, his head dipped in her hair and he sniffed. He almost lost his senses at the ungodly scent of roses mixed with natural clean aura of her. He felt her head stirring that moved in a way that his his face deeper in her locks.

A sudden Yelp forced him back to reality and he immediately jerked up flustered at the uncanny situation created by his own unpredictable self. Her eyes rounded at the close proximity as her eyes took time to focus at his face which was just breath away from hers.

As soon as she got her senses in line, she attempted to scream but his palm covered her soft lips shushing her while pointing his forefinger of other hand on his own lips," hey, shush it's just me here," their eyes stayed locked for a moment and when she didn't make any attempt to further do anything, he released a sigh,"relax, my beautiful goddess." He uttered as he cautiously removed his palm from her lips, still not sure to let the softness of her lips slide away beneath his palm.

She stayed still and he grabbed the wet cotton strip from her head and checked the temperature with the back of his hand. The intensity of fever was breaking but still there was this hot sensation vibrating under her skin that was alarming and left him wary nonetheless.

"I am going to call the maids to bring your meal. The idea of a lady with an empty stomach doesn't sit well with me." He exclaimed as he draped now wet strip on her forehead again and her eyes followed the movements of his hands.

He was a man who never really give a dam about reading others' emotions, not really caring what other people went through. Instead his royal self just issued orders regarding what seemed fit and others had to obey. But tonight he wished he would have paid more attention to the expression and should have had learnt the art of detecting emotions because he found himself unable to read the emotions that flowed inside her eyes as swirling pools.

"Why do you tend to me when you care not about my welbeing?" Came a silent question from her dreamy lips that looked ready to give a goodnight kiss to her lover.

For a moment his eyes were stuck on her lips wondering If it would be okay to claim her lips but given the situation he decided against it for he no longer wanted to upset her at least not in this state.

"What makes you think I have no care for the welbeing of my beautiful goddess?" He asked with a tilt of his head at an angle in which he enjoyed looking at her more. Her eyes looked almond shaped from this angle and he scolded himself inwardly to discover this trait of her so late.

"Because you force yourself on me." At the end of the sentence, her voice chocked and the heaviness filled her throat forcing her to utter no more but to stay quiet preventing any possible situation of showing the weakness anymore but nothing goes unnoticed by this devil of a handsome man before her.

He sighed rewinding the events of the evening in his mind. He didn't want to scare her but the way she kept on stirring his soul made him lose control everytime to make her understand whom did she belong. He extended his left arm over her waist and rested on the bedsheet on the other side, caging her while his right hand neared her chocolatey strands and playfully started toying with them,"and when did I force you, beautiful?" He asked but his focus seemed to be drawn to the silk between his fingertips.

Her eyes instantly filled at the memory of that night when he trapped her underneath him and bit her without her consent. A shiver ran down her spine at the realization of who this man was and what could he do to her in a blink of an eye and she went still under him once again,"y-you bit me!" Her breathless whisper drew his attention back towards her and he leveled his eyes with hers. She felt imprisoned under his dark gaze and although all she wanted was to look anywhere but at him still she felt trapped and unable to tear her gaze away from his.

"I can bite you again as well," his eyes darkened complementing the midnight as he ran his hand over her jaw and then slid it on her neck, caressing it.

All the blood rushed to her ears and she summoned all her stupidity and wished for it to go to hell this instant for she couldn't feel more stupid for reminding him of biting her at any better time than this,"you can't surely be serious, right now. You won't bite me." She squeaked and he saw a drop of sweat trickled down her forehead against her cheek.

"Oh I do not dare lie, my beautiful goddess. I can -" his eyes momentarily left her neck and settled back on her eyes,"vera' well bite you right now." An amused lilt in his voice did little to no good in dissipating her rising fear. Her thoughts were jumbled and all over the place resembling the mess that her life had become.

"Now that I think of it, "he cooed with slightly pointed lips, a trait she never thought would witness on a man like him ,"I should very well do bite you." A smirk snaked around the left side of his lips stealing the remaining puffs of breath from her lungs and he closed the distance between their faces slowly eliciting a scream from her which soon turned into a startled yelp as he bit the tip of her nose.

A grin escaped his lips leaving him fully amused by her surprised reaction and his eyes lit up with a victorious gleam and he straightened back to find her credulous expression that clearly showed her confusion and shock.

She couldn't believe that instead of biting her neck and drawing blood out of her as she expected him to do, he just bit the tip of her nose. The light buzz that vibrated inside his eyes that were midnight dark moments ago were bemused. It took her sometime to realize that he had played with her, fully taking advantage of her bewilderment. Her eyes narrowed a cat which nothing but aroused a throaty chuckle from his lips leaving her with parted lips.

He bent forward and removed the cotton strip from her forehead and ruffled her hair to turn it more unruly and then got up and left to order meal for her but everything happened in a daze for her because in her mind only an imprint of his amused deep chuckle left its paws and it refused to leave her senses alone, completely denying her sensibility to claim her mind anytime time.

This man surely had a magic circling inside his veins that was specifically meant to lure her, she thought.


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