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My brother was there, after two years not seeing him. I had been waiting for him for so long. He opened his arms and I ran towards him, jumping into his arms, oblivious of who was watching. He held me as tears dripped down my face. 

"I missed you. I missed you so much. And now your an amazing dragon rider. I'm so proud. I love you so much." I whispered.

"I missed you. Too much. I couldn't come back, I didn't want to disappoint you." He whispered back, the sadness in his voice was making my heartbreak.

"You never could" I whisper back. Then as an afterthought, I whispered "So. Do you have a girlfriend yet? You better do." He started laughing and put me down, before answering.

"Yes, I do. And what about you, any boys I need to threaten? Any boys I need to kill?" He asked, looking around menacingly. I grinned at him.

"Nah, they're all too much of idiots" I replied. We walked over to the rest of the group. 

"Sorry guys, uh it's just that, uh-" I started explaining before I heard Zara interrupting 

"Omg. Jason!" She hugged him too, then I rolled my eyes and continued explaining. 

"This idiot is my brother," I explained pointing at Jason. He looked down at me with narrowed eyes.

"Hm. Who are you calling an Idiot huh?" He replied before talking to the rest of the group.

"Hi. I'm Jason, and we are going to go and get your dragon eggs, so follow me." He announced, before walking off to the side of the courtyard. We all followed him. There were two boys other than Zane, one with light brown short hair and hazel eyes with a grin on his face, and one with golden blonde hair and grey eyes who was looking around and talking to brown hair and Zane, smirking. We continued through a door to the side of the courtyard. Through there we saw a long corridor with small nests on either side and wooden beams. Each nest had straw in it, and an egg in the middle. The eggs were lots of different colours, red, orange, green, blue, brown, white and a load more colours. My brother told us to walk down the corridor until we felt drawn to a certain egg, then to just touch it and sit next to it, to wait for it to hatch. It would hatch after about 20 minutes from when we touch it. 

I walked down the corridor, not feeling drawn to any egg yet. I continued further down until I found one that seemed to be almost glowing. It was a white egg but had golden swirls climbing the sides. I felt drawn towards that one and immediately knew that was my egg. I sat next to it and hesitantly put my hands on the smooth white shell. Straight away I could feel a connection to the little baby dragon inside. So I sat back and watched my little egg.

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