Sword Duel

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I sat back in my seat, watching, as men came into the Arena. There were 6 in total. 2 of them were from the 1st year, our year.  I scoffed, they wouldn't be able to even land a blow on the older years, they had been trained for years. The rest from what I could see would be extremely good fighters. Three of them were buff guys, muscle bulging from underneath their t-shirts, from what I can see, two were twins both with light brown hair and dark brown eyes. They were laughing with the three boys sitting at the wooden table, calling up to them. The other buff guy had a smirk on his face and was creepily looking at the plastic fake girls, he looked evil. The other one was leaner but had his sword gripped firmly in his hand. He had piercing amber eyes hidden under white blonde hair, sharp jawbones and thin lips. He was looking at the other competitors, eyeing them up, he smirked at the twins. They were probably friends. Great. Six of the hot annoying boys. 

However, the man had finished introducing them and now announced;

"Let the games begin!" 

Blondie, twins and Buffy left the Arena leaving only the two boys from the 1st year in there. They bowed and then attacked, swords flashing. Their movements were slow and unorganised, lumbering around the Arena. They landed weak blows on each other, chasing each other around the Arena. It would be a while before one managed to get the other out, so I turned back to the rest of the group.

"Why are no girls fighting?" I questioned.

"I think it's a mixed event, just that no girls want to enter it. As you can see, some are just fake barbies" Athena replied, wrinkling her nose, looking around at all the girls who were hanging off boys arms, wandering around, giggling. They were approaching the three boys sitting at the table but they always walked away again looking angry or sad. 

Callum caught my eye and raised his drink towards me. I returned the gesture as he smirked at me. He said something to the boys beside him and they looked towards me, a mixture of respect and confusion on their faces, laughing. I smirked at them, raised my glass again and downed it in one looking back to the Arena. They had finally finished fighting and one lay on the ground, a sword held to his throat by the other. The defeated left the Arena and Buffy came in. The match started, they bowed and within seconds, the 1st year lay on the ground threatened by the sword. He left, and one of the twins came in. They bowed and Buffy swung his sword, hard and fast at the twins head. He bought his own sword up and they clashed, glinting in the light. They both threw blows, the whole Arena still as they duelled. Fast swords just missed one another. Buffy was good, but the twin was better. He was fast and the strength of his sword was undeniable. However, he did have a weak leg which I noticed and apparently so did Buffy, as he swung a blow at his head, causing him to lean back and then kicked his leg from the side, toppling him to the ground and then smirking at him triumphantly. I didn't like this guy. It was a lucky hit, for the twin was the better fighter, but still, he left as the defeated. In came the next twin, and it started off much the same, however, Buffy used the same technique as he did before with the other twin and this twin noticed it and managed to predict his movements, quickly having Buffy disarmed and vulnerable. He left the Arena scowling. He was a bad loser.

Then the white-blond haired guy came in and started the duel with the twin. Their moves were so fast that, to the untrained eye, they were blurs. However, I had been taught from a young age about sword fighting and trained for hours. I could see the movements clearly and knew exactly what they were doing. They seemed to be chatting and laughing as they duelled. This was clearly how they trained, and what they were used to. They were definitely going easy on each other, however, from here I could clearly see that their technique was flawless. Everybody was cheering for these two, and the atmosphere was upbeat and exciting. I left the table and went to join Zara who was leaning on the wall watching the fight. We stood there next to each other, drinking silently, but smirking at one another. I handed her another shot of vodka as we lent there. We both watched the fight closely. Just as they changed positions the twin was in clear view of both of us and looked up, doing a double take. We smirked at him as his feet were taken out from beneath him. He still looked at us but was now talking and laughing with Blondie. I turned so my back was towards them and murmured to Zara.

"I'm going to go, fade into the shadows. You know I don't like attention."

I left her, only glancing back at the arena once to see Blondies eyes trained firmly on me as I retreated. He would only be able to see my faint outline at this point. I looked at him, and his eyes looked back at me in confusion. We shared a meaningful look, full of sorrow, laughter, despair and betrayal before I faded away into the shadows.

 Like I always do.

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