Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
Sapphires pov
When we arrived at his house I couldn't get over the fact of how big his house was. His house was on the verge of being able to be called a mansion, along with all the other houses in the neighborhood. Liam walked over to the door taking out his keys. He unlocked the door and held it open for me. One thing I was never good at was people holding the door open for me. Sometimes I can't tell if they're actually holding the door open for me or just have a weird way of going in and so I'll awkwardly stand there until the signal me to go in. In middle school one boy would always hold the door open for me and I would just stand there until he signaled me to go in. It was weird for both of us. Liam called my name breaking me away from my thoughts. "Oh sorry," I held my head down and scrambled inside.

The inside of his house was huge. The living room had a an antique fireplace. It was beautifully designed. All the colors and styles went perfectly together. As for the kitchen, it was like my dream kitchen. It had white marble countertops, grey cabinets and an island in the middle. A large staircase was placed on the edge of the hallway and behind the staircase was and exit to more rooms. To the side of the staircase was another exit to more rooms. A little girl came running down the stairs. Her blond curls bounced as she ran. She was dressed in a floral dress and couldn't be much older than five. "Liam!" She squealed jumping into his arms.

He lifted her up into his arms. She squirmed in his arms realizing he was wet. "Eww you're wet let me go,"

"Not a chance munchkin,"

They looked so cute together. Another girl came walking down the stairs. She was probably only around fourteen years of age. A boy looking around the same age followed behind her. "I was wondering where you went," the teenage girl spoke to the young girl.
I still don't know what their names are. "Who's the girl and why are you both wet?" the teenage boy smirked.

Liam didn't look amused. As for me I just kept my head down. "This is my girlfriend, Sapphire,"

My cheeks flamed up at the mention of the word girlfriend. "Omg," the teenage girl squealed.

She ran down the stairs and stopped in front of me examining me. "She's pretty,"

Liam sighed before speaking, "Sapphire this is my sister Mia, that's my brother Henry, and this little munchkin is named Everly,"

"It's nice to meet you Sapphire," the girl, who I now know is named Mia told me.

She pulled me into hug and whispered into my ear, "if you want to run I can hold Liam back, I don't know why you would want to date him unless he's holding you captive,"

I just laughed not knowing what to say. "Hey!" Liam defended.

"Well I mean Mia has a point," Henry told him.

Liam set Everly down and she trotted back up the stairs. "You know you're the first girl Liam has ever brought home to meet us?" Mia gave Liam a suspicious look.

I was stunned, "Really?"

"Okay okay no need to talk about my last relationship," Liam stoped Mia before she could speak. "Fine then going back to the previous subject, why are you guys so wet?" Henry brought up.

"Were you two having a romantic moment?" Mia teased.

I blushed once again something that seems to happen a lot when I'm around Liam. "It's raining outside," Liam replied bluntly.

"You were totally having a moment," she squealed.

"No we weren't," Liam defended, "I'm gonna go grab us some clothes,"

Liam headed up the store but not before Henry spoke, "What no goodbye kiss for Sapphire?"

"Shut up!"

Mia and Henry bursted our laughing while I just stood there awkwardly. "So what were you guys doing in the rain?"

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