Chapter 13

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Sapphires POV
"What?" Athena stared at me bewildered, "but you don't," she paused, "You don't get feelings like that for people. You refused to after Bradley,"

My thoughts were racing around me head. I had never admitted that I liked Liam, not even to myself. "I know, but I like him," tears formed in my eyes, "I like him so much and it terrifies me,"

"Oh Sapphire," she walked over and pulled me into a hug.

"I thought you were mad at me," I mumbled.

"I was, now I'm not. This is a huge thing and I'm not missing it for the world,"

"I love you Athena you're the best,"

"I know I am, I love you too,"

We walked out of the bathroom to be greeted by some scary looking high schoolers. "Did you make up?" Lily interrogated.

"We did, thank you guys," Athena informed them.

They all squealed and pulled us into a huge hug. We got several stares from people but I didn't mind. I was happy that my friend was back. After we finally left the cafe, the manager didn't seem very pleased with us, we wandered around the mall for a couple hours.

I rode back to my place with Athena. She wanted to stay the night to figure this whole thing out. "Okay so," she threw her bag down and flopped down on the bed, "who else besides me knows you two aren't actually dating?"

"Me and Liam," I replied.

"Well that's good then. You can keep up the act. Can I see that contract thing again?"

"Um sure," I started digging around trying to find it.

I hadn't remembered where I put it after the whole ordeal. Athena was quietly mumbling to herself about a plan. This whole thing was new for both of us. "Found it," I handed it to her and she read over it.

"Rule number one: don't tell anyone, well that's already broken. Rule number two: no feeling, also broken. Rule number three: parties, you guys don't even do that. Rule number four: make it look real, well at least you haven't broken that one. Rule number five: act like a couple only when others are around, I don't know you tell me," she looked up at me for an answer.

"I, um, I," I stuttered, "maybe?"

"Omg you do!" She squealed loudly.

"Not all the time!"

"Oh really when do you not?"

"Um, it's just because it's natural,"

"Oh yeah sure," she joked, "Rule six: you have to go to all his games, you've done that. Wait! You have to go to the season trip?"

"Maybe," my voice came out small.

"There is no way! You're gonna have to sleep in the same room as him. You know the major hookup place right. How are you gonna stand it?"

"I don't know," I groaned flopping on my bed, "this is all too much,"

"Okay let's work this all out," Athena scribbled a bunch of things on a different page in my sketchbook, "Tell me everything that has happened, and I mean everything,"

"Um okay," so I told her everything, starting with when we made the contract.

I told her about our first date and him kissing the top of my head, him holding me after the panic attack, staying the night at his place and what the whole cherry pie situation actually was, the night on the curb after the party, him coming over after Athena and I fought, Liam and Tara's fight in the hallway, and me telling him about Bradley.

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