Chapter 25

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Picture of Emma above

Marissa's face filled with shock as I told her the news of Alex and I breaking up. She didn't think that it would happen any time soon or even the way it happened.

"How have you been since the break up?" She asked, sipping on her juice.

I shrugged, not knowing how to answer. "I don't know. Just because we broke up doesn't mean I'm going off to marry Jax."

"Maybe you should." She smirked.

"It's not funny," I snapped. "I really hurt Alex."

"You're lucky enough he doesn't go here. Imagine seeing him everywhere."

"I guess it could be worse." I replied.

"What'd Jax say?" She asked.

"Nothing really," I shrugged, recalling memories from that night after Alex left.

Hunter and Jax had a heated argument about me making sure Jax would stay away from me. He had heard everything I told Alex, even our almost kissing incident.

"It's not everyday you call out your brother's best friends name while fucking your boyfriend." Marissa jokes.

"Hunter has been avoiding me since it happened. He's making sure Jax stays away from me." I roll my eyes, taking a bite of my sandwich.

"You guys didn't do anything wrong." She added. "This whole situation is ridiculous. Jax has a right to date who he wants."

"It doesn't matter, he's with Rebecca and I'm definitely not looking to be in a relationship anytime soon." I declare.

"Don't feel like you owe Alex anything. Yeah, you broke up and it was bad but you don't owe him anything. You can move on, you know.".

Putting my sandwich down, I begin to think about what Marissa said. She was right I didn't owe him or anyone else anything.

Still, I needed my own space. I've been in a relationship for so long and have had this constant battle with my mind and Jax. I needed to think about myself.

"I know." I sigh. "I just need some me time."

"Let's see how long that's going to last." She utters. "Look who's coming."

Turning around, I see Jax headed our way with a tray of food and a water bottle in hand. We locked eyes for a moment before I looked away and turned back to Marissa.

"Fuck me." I whisper.

"I'm sure he wants to." She smirks.

"Hey." Jax says from besides me.

"Hi." I speak, making sure not give him too much attention.

"Can I sit here?" He asks.

"Sure." I reply.

"This should be good." Marissa says.

Sitting down next to me, Jax awkwardly takes a sip from his water and begins eating his food. An ungraceful silence filled our table as Marissa and I looked at each other. She kept mouthing to me to speak to him but I didn't even know where to start the conversation.

"So, Jax," Marissa speaks. "How's your family?"

I feel Jax look at me and then back at Marissa before finally speaking.

"They're fine," He awkwardly says. He hesitates before continuing. "If this is weird I can leave."

"What? Nothing's weird." Marissa says. "Right, Emma?"

"R-Right." I respond, picking at my food. "No reason for anything to be weird." I say, sarcastically.

"Why are you being like that?" He moves to look at me.

"No idea what you mean." I shrug.

"That right there," He points. "You're being weird, rude almost."

"You mean treating you like you always treat me?" I snap.

"What the fuck?" He snaps back. "Did I do something for you to be acting this way?"

"No, nothing."

"Okay, so?" He asks. "Is it Hunter?"

I shrug, not daring to look at him.

"Is it because he told us we couldn't be around each other?" He assumes.

"You know we can't even be speaking right now, Jax. I don't know why you would risk it and come sit here." I argue.

"What's Hunter going to do?" Jax shrugs. "He's all talk, and plus, you're worth the risk."

Marissa sips her water, trying to hide her smile as she watched Jax and I bicker.

"He's also my brother and your friend. Do us all a favor and stay away from me." Getting up, I make my way to the exit and leave the cafeteria.

I make a run to the bathroom, pushing past people who were roaming the halls. Entering the bathroom, I walk over to the sink and turn the faucet on. I welcome my face to the cold water in my hands and breathe out.

I didn't know how much Jax drama I could take. I wanted to be in his life and hoped he could be apart of mine, but how if Hunter wouldn't allow it?

It wasn't until I looked at myself in the mirror and a light bulb arose on my head that I had it all planned out.

This meant I had to betray Hunter but it was the only way.

I had to give him an ultimatum. Either let Jax be apart of my life just as he was before, nothing more than friends. Or Jax would find out about his affair with Rebecca.

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