Submission P6

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An: yo guys, this is the other writer, your_sinchild. Dear ol blue here has been working very hard. I hardly been helping. I feel guilty because I need to help out more so guys, give it out to bluecenturyxx. She is an amazing author and person for doing so much more. Thanks :) (Blue here! Love ya man, you're the best. :>)
Keith's Pov.
Is he really giving me a lap dance? He really is. is really good.
"Lance, fuck."
Lance smirks and rubs his ass on my dick. The friction feels really good.
"Don't fucking stop" I plead.

Lance's POV:
I'm a bit caught off guard by his pleading, but of course, I obey. "Whatever you want, samurai~"

I can't even try to hold back. I'm really turned on right now, and I don't know how to prevent it. It's written all over my face at this point.

Oh golly gee, I would've never thought it could turn into this.

Of course I did! I'm not dumb. I hope.

I can't take it anymore, and I push him down, getting on top of him. "You turned on, mullet?" I tease him.

Oh crap.. I forgot. I literally have no idea what to do. I've never done anything like this before, and I can't believe my v-card is going to be stolen by Keith! Maybe I'm a liiiittle bit gay.

Keith's POV.
I can't believe this is actually happening. He... is on top... of me...?? I sit there for a moment, my brain being more metaphorically flaccid than my penis. Wait.. did I really just think that?? WHAT IS THIS BOY MAKING ME DO—

Okay, okay, I need to calm down. I take a moment to analyze the situation as it's happening. Lance moves down there, unbuckling the belt wrapped around my waist. Although it was very obvious what he was about to do, I asked, "Wh-what are you doing..?" anyways.

Lance glances up at me with a smirk, then back down as if I hadn't asked. He takes a moment to reply. "Starting my work~"

Lance's POV:
Ohquiznakohquiznakohquiznak what am I doing?? I can't tell if Keith likes this or not, and I— I forgot to ask the most important question!! "Keith, I.. um.. do you consent to what's about to happen?"

Obviously, the boat's already in the water, but I wanted to make sure ahead of time. After all, like I learned in dreaded sex ed class, consent is the most important element of a good experience!!

Keith's POV.
I had to take advantage of the situation while making sure Lance knew I wanted this.. badly. Needed, even. "I give you the consent of destroying my ass and leaving me immobile for the next week." I could feel my face trying to contort into laughter, but I kept my expression serious.

I examined Lance's face. It grew from concern of not knowing to.. as red as the red lion. Seriously. He lost it. And I liked watching it.

After a minute went by, he was still a heavily blushing, stuttering mess. I decided to (probably worsen) better the situation, so I undressed completely, in front of him, then leaned up to give him a quick kiss.

Lance's POV:
*Lance.exe has stopped working*

I can't help but stare at him through my blind panic. I'm so worked up, yet so ready to finally start. The sexual tension in the room was so heavy. I wanted to make him regret his wishes.

"I-I'm ready," I managed to choke out, haphazardly taking off my clothes and  throwing them away from us in disarray. Once I finished, I restated what I had just said, only firmer and more of an actual confirmation than before.

"I'm ready..~"


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2020 ⏰

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