When he's drunk

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"Babe, you were so drunk last night", you laughed and looked at him. 
"Was not", he argued, which made you laugh harder. 
"Slendy, you ran up to this biker dude with a beard and yelled HAGRID YOU'RE REAL!", you turned red from how hard you were laughing. He blushed and cleared his throat,"we will never speak of this again". 

Jeff the Killer

"Jeff, you were sooooo wasted", you giggled while he watched you. "I was not", he pouted and you nodded. "Babe, you got naked and swung on the light fixture while you made a parody of Miley's wrecking ball!", you showed him the video and he groaned,"how many have seen it?..." 
"about 4 million"

BEN Drowned

"Boo, you were so fucked up last night", you snickered and watched him. "...Dear lord, what did I do?", he groaned and looked at you for an answer. "You tried shoving batteries up your ass while singing I've got the power", you laughed and he blushed red. "Who else saw this?.." 
"Only all the creepypastas"


"Hey Masks, you were so shitfaced last night!", you tried your hardest not to laugh and he blushed. "Care to tell me what I did?", he asked nervously and you laughed. "You asked me to drive you home babe"
"That's not so bad, I wanted to be safe"
"The party was at the Mansion, Masky"


"Hoodie, you were so destroyed last night", you went into a laughing fit and he blushed. "W-what did I-I do?...", he whispered and blushed harder. "You took a bird and whipped it at a piggy bank while screaming DIE EVIL PIG", he blushed harder and covered his face. "I-I've he-heard e-enough"

Ticci Toby

"You were so hammered Toby", you laughed and he laughed with you. "Wh-what s-stupid thi-thing di-did I do th-this time?", he laughed and you were gasping for air from laughing so hard. "You dug up Slendy's garden because, and I quote, fuck farmville" 
"Dear Zalgo.."

Laughing Jack

"You had one too many last night babe", you looked at him, and he laughed. "And what did I do babe?"
"You tried to give the door a blow job"
"....I did what?"

Eyeless Jack

"EJ, you were so liquored up", you giggled and he chuckled. "What did I do?", he questioned and looked at you, waiting for an answer. "You hit on me, and asked if I was single", he blushed while you laughed. "Atleast it was me and not some random pedo"

Glitchy Red

"You were so loaded last night", you looked at him and he looked at you. "Prove it", he replied and watched you. You showed him your pictures from last night of him jumping off the garage. "You were screaming that you were batman and insisted you could fly"
"Why didn't you take me to a hospital?"
"I was too busy laughing at your dumbass"

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