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Look out for some tooth rotting fluff ahead. Actually the majority of this book is tooth rotting fluff. You've been warned.


Friday arrived in a whirlwind.

Oliver had gotten the courage to send one whole text to Baby: Hey, this is Oliver. It had taken him two full days to work up to it, and coaching from both Francesca and Emmett. And now he suddenly found himself getting ready to skip dinner with his family in order to go out to the Peacock Room and see Baby play for the second time.

He stood in front of the mirror, shirtless, sweating as his eyes darted about the room. He'd emptied out his whole closet onto every available surface, because he had no idea what to wear. He had both Fran and Emmett on Skype for advice. And for moral support, though they weren't providing much of it.

"You look awful," Francesca supplied from the computer, voice somewhat muffled as she crunched on Hot Cheetos. "Are you really going out with your hair like that?"

"Like what?" Oliver frantically brought his hands up to his head.

His hair looked normal. A little more frizzy than usual, maybe, but overall the tight black curls stuck close to his skull.

"Nevermind, maybe it's just your face," Francesca amended.

"Shut up," Oliver groaned. "I can't change my face Fran."

"You're freaking out man," Emmett butted in. "It's going to be dark in there anyway, and he won't even notice what you're wearing."

"He'll notice what my face looks like!" Oliver nearly wailed, not willing to look at the computer screen and see Francesca's expression. "Is there really something wrong with it?"

"Oh my god Oliver, there's nothing wrong with your face," Francesca said. "You're hot as hell, and you need to get laid. Pronto."

"I don't just want to get laid," Oliver mumbled. "I actually like him guys."

"Then maybe you should be worrying about your face."


"Fine, fine. In all honesty Oliver you look great. There's a reason you always land good hookups."

"Yeah," Emmett added. "You should be more worried about your parents than your shirt at this point."

Oliver threw his head back and groaned. "They still don't know I'm missing dinner. My mom is going to get pissed."

"You're twenty one and not allowed to miss dinner?" Francesca scoffed. "That is absolutely ridiculous."

"You have no idea how important the concept of family is in this house," Oliver told her. "As long as I live here I gotta go to family dinner. Hell, even when I move out they're probably going to want me at family dinner. I'll be going to family dinner until one of us kicks the bucket."

Francesca laughed, but Emmett looked genuinely a little worried from his pixely corner of the screen. He had his arm wrapped loosely around Francesca, who was leaning into him slightly. They'd been dating for over a year now, and their relationship had simmered to something simpler, quieter, and more casual than it had been in the beginning. They balanced each other out well, Oliver thought. He wanted a love like they had.

They did get annoying though, when they both ganged up on him.

Oliver ignored them, finally having narrowed down his shirt choices to two. A dark gray t-shirt or a blue button up. He wondered if the t shirt was too casual, then remembered it was a bar, then still kept debating anyway. All he could think about was Baby's watery eyes and shock of hair... Oliver reached for the blue shirt. He quickly tugged on an undershirt and splashed some cologne on before starting on the buttons.

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