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Warning: sex scene in the middleish of this chapter. Spoiler alert, Baby takes it up the ass again :3


Oliver shifted in his seat, looking around the auditorium. He nervously twisted a piece of paper in his hands. The title on the page read Final Sophomore Composition Survey, proudly presented by the class of 2021. Though it was hard to see now that Oliver had twisted it so hard. Baby's name was on there somewhere, along with a list of about twenty other students.

A girl was performing onstage. She sat behind a piano bench, fingers flying across the keys. It was a pretty melody, Oliver thought, but he couldn't pay too much attention. He was thinking about Baby standing backstage.

They'd taken the week off of chemo and radiation in preparation for this very event. By the time today had rolled around, Baby had seemed lighter, more awake. He'd been practicing his violin nonstop, until the music ran clear and sweet as butter. But that didn't stop Oliver from worrying now. In his mind, visions of Baby not being able to breathe ran rampant. It didn't help that this was the same concert hall where Baby had first fallen unconscious and needed an ambulance.

The girl at the piano had just stopped playing, hands frozen in the air for a second. Then the auditorium filled with a meager applause, the place no more full than it had been the night Baby collapsed. The girl stood up from her piano and took a bow. As she did so, Oliver unraveled his crumpled program so he could squint at the names in the dark.

That was just a girl named Rui Sun, if he remembered the order correctly. Under her name, Parker, Morgan was listed in bold black letters. Oliver jiggled his leg as he waited. It took about thirty seconds, and then Baby was out and walking across the stage. Oliver breathed out a sigh of relief.

He had his blue beanie pulled down low over his head, and his violin clutched tight in his fist. Once he got to the center of the stage, he spoke.

"My name is Baby Parker, and I will be playing a piece I call The Fly in Wait, a violin sonata in D minor."

"You may begin."

So Baby lifted the violin to his chin, took a deep breath, and began to play.


Baby had to lean onto Oliver for support as they walked out of the concert hall, but the grin on his face had never been bigger. Oliver slung an arm over his shoulders, pride puffing up his chest. Baby had gotten a standing ovation. His piece had been a melancholy one, one that pulled tears to Oliver's eyes and to his heart. It moved everyone in that auditorium. Oliver had never heard a violin sound like that before in his life.

And Baby knew it, too. He knew that he'd been great. He smiled and smiled and smiled, and hugged Oliver as soon as he'd gotten offstage. Now, as they walked to the car, it seemed like he couldn't keep the joy from bursting out of him.

"Did you see me Oliver?" he asked excitedly. "Like holy shit, that's the best I ever sounded!"

"I know," Oliver grinned back at him. "You were fucking incredible. That song was absolutely astounding."

"I've been writing it all semester," Baby said. "It feels like I just showed everyone my literal child."

"And you did a damn good job at it. That middle section made me cry my eyes out."

"You're serious?"

"Deadly. I think every person in that theater was bawling at some point. You're really plucking at heartstrings."

"Oh very clever."

"I'm really being serious though," Oliver let the joking tone seep out of his voice. "Baby you were radiant. Your music was radiant. And I'd say that even if I wasn't madly in love with you."

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