57. In Which Ziyan Gets Desperate

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❝Suffering is a gift

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❝Suffering is a gift.

In it is hidden mercy.❞

-Rumi, on Islam


I wanted to punch Scott, square in the jaw.

The fucker was flirting like there was no tomorrow.

Stealing a look at my phone, I took note of how it was a weekday. A fucking Wednesday to be exact. Didn't he need to save up that playa game for his weekends out with his boys? Wasn't he still reeling over the downfall of his romance with Brenda?

Salma and I talked about it last night, realizing the ice wall that had taken shape between the former besties. You didn't need to look that hard to sense the chilly draft that moved into the space whenever they were in the same room.

Laughing at this was wrong.

I laughed my ass off regardless, thinking of what lame excuse caused the end of their short-lived love life. I wished them the worst. Hoping for the downfall was wrong of me, but I had plucked a few imaginary dandy lions in thought, blowing them out.

Please let Brenda moan my name when she kisses Scott.

The thought was mean spirited, sure.

What the fuck else did you expect? That bitch had the nerve to murmur his name into my mouth, muffle it into my teeth with my lips sucking on hers. Can you imagine the shame? The heat that splotched my cheeks felt like a tornado of trouble. I was ready to rip the curtains off my windows, burn the sheets she laid on and bath in the flames.

I held on firmly to my grudges.

"It's so nice to meet you," Salma said to Scott's sister. She came inside, looping her arm to Brenda's. They looked like best pals. I wondered how uncomfortable it was for Scott to witness this. "You look so much like your brother! It's crazy."

"I get that a lot," Toni smiled, swiping her curls out of her face.

The words seemed like an insult, or at least that was how she took the response. Toni sucked in a breath, sucking loudly with her teeth as if she had bit her own tongue. I mask my chuckle with a cough, picking up my phone and pretending a text had captured my attention.

You may be thinking, who on earth could Scott be flirting with? His sister was in the room and the girl he didn't speak to anymore was barely speaking, staring at the rug as though the secrets of the world were stuck in the seams.

It was Salma.

Salma was the one he had his gaze glued to, touching her elbow and guiding her out of the living room area. "Hey, can I talk to you for a second?"

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