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I. you're you

 you're you

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                    "WHOA," DEAN EXCLAIMED, TAKING MULTIPLE GLANCES at Sybil, "how is it that we have a sister?"

Missouri sighed. "She just showed up on my doorstep with her birth certificate and a note from your father."

"Can we see it," Sam requested, requiring some type of proof.

Sybil stepped towards Sam and Dean and handed them two folded pieces of paper. Sam unfolded the first sheet, revealing her birth certificate. The father was left blank, but the mother's name caught Sam's eye immediately. "Your mother is Hecate?"

Sybil shrugged. "I dunno. I lived in an orphanage my whole life."

"Who is Hecate," Dean inquired.

"A deity," Sam answered. "She's known as the three-faced goddess of magic, witchcraft, crossroads, and the undead."

"Dad slept with a goddess? How'd he know he was her father if he's not on her birth certificate," Dean challenged, examining the paper over Sam's shoulder.

Sam unfolded the second paper and sighed. "Paternity test proves it. He wrote, 'protect her. she's important.'"

"Does this mean she has powers," Dean asked.

"I have powers?" Sybil exclaimed in excitement, cutting in before Sam could reply.

Sam grinned slightly. "Probably, if your mother is really a goddess."

"Cool," the little girl panted.

Dean shifted to Missouri. "Are you able to sense if she has any powers lying dormant?"

Missouri nodded. "I can sense that she has potent abilities, almost overwhelming."

"How are we suppose to take care of a little kid," Sam whispered at Dean, not wanting the little girl to overhear their conversation.

The older Winchester shrugged. "I don't know, but Dad asked us to take care of her... Plus, she's a Winchester. We take care of our family."

Sam agreed and faced Sybil. "Can you tell us how our dad is doing? If he's okay or injured?"

"He's fine," Sybil replied, "but he seemed very sad. I felt bad."

"At least he's okay," Dean stated, leaning back into the couch.

"So," Missouri began, going back onto the topic they started with, "you think something is back in that house?"

Sam nodded in confidence. "Definitely."

She inhaled deeply before shaking her head. "I don't understand."

"What," Sam asked.

Missouri sat down, glancing at Sybil, who began playing with the doll she had walked in with. "I haven't been back inside, but I have been keeping an eye on the place. It's been quiet. No sudden deaths, no freak accidents. Why is it acting up now?"

Sam lamented. "I don't know, but Dad going missing, Jessica dying, and just now meeting my little sister whose mother is the goddess of practically all supernatural, on top of what's going on with this house. It just feels like something is starting."

Dean hiked his eyebrows before facing forward. "That's a comforting thought."

                    DEAN PULLED UP TO THEIR CHILDHOOD home before climbing out of the car. Everyone else followed except for Sybil, who stared at the house with horror in her eyes.

Sam hunched down after opening the door closest to Sybil and looked at her. "Are you coming, Sybil?"

She shook her head, practically trembling in anxiety.

"What's wrong," Sam requested.

"I can hear the voices," Sybil susurrated.

Peaking Dean's interest, he crouched down along with his brother. "What voices? What are they saying?"

"They're angry," She muttered, trying to keep soft from the voices she heard. "They want to kill the people in the house."

Sam and Dean glanced at each other, not knowing what to do. Part of them wants to leave Sybil in the car, considering this type of job isn't exactly safe for a kid her age, but she could already feel the presence of spirits before stepping into the residence. She could be very serviceable to them.

"C'mon, Sybil," Sam called, holding out his arms. "I'll carry you so that you're safe."

Sybil hesitantly leaned into Sam's arms before she was hoisted up. When they reached the front steps, Dean knocked on the door. Jenny answered with her son in her arms. "Sam, Dean. What are you doing here?"

"Hey, Jenny," Sam greeted. "This is our friend Missouri and our little sister, Sybil."

Missouri smiled as Sybil waved shyly, her head nestled into the crook of Sam's neck.

"If it's not too much trouble, we were hoping to show them the house, for old time's sake," Dean appealed.

Jenny sighed, turning away. "You know, this isn't a good time. I'm kind of busy."

"Listen, Jenny," Dean stepped up before Jenny could close the door on them. "It's important- ow!"

Missouri smacked Dean upon the head before completing his sentence, prompting Sybil to giggle into Sam's shoulder. "Give the poor girl a break. Can't you see she's upset?"

Sam gazed at Missouri, then at Sybil, attempting to quiet her from her giggle fit. Missouri proceeds to talk.

"Forgive this boy. He means well. He's just not the sharpest tool in the shed, but hear me out."

Dean studied Missouri with the expression of dissatisfaction apparent on his face. Sybil leaned over and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay, Dean," Sybil whispered with a smile cemented throughout her features. "You're not a tool. You're you."

Dean's expression melted at the little girl's comment. Even though she didn't quite get the analogy, she still meant well and wanted to distract Dean from the insult. Sam saw a hint of a smile that Dean tried his best to conceal, causing him to smile as well as he rubbed Sybil's back.

Jenny exhaled sharply. "About what?"

"About this house," Missouri responded.

"What are you talking about," Jenny commanded, her eyes slightly widening.

"I think you know what I'm talking about," Missouri told. "You think that there's something in this house, something that wants to hurt your family. Am I mistaken?"

Jenny's breath hitched in her throat. "Who are you?"

"We're people who are here to help, who can stop this thing," Missouri reassured, "but you're gonna have to trust us just a little."

Jenny stood there for a moment before moving aside so that they could come in. As they all entered the house, Sybil wrapped her arms around Sam's neck tightly as she buried her face into his shoulder.

"What is it," Dean sought his little sister, growing worried at her sudden reaction to just entering the house.

Sybil peeked at the older Winchester and began to breathe heavier. "It told me it's going to kill us too."

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