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VI. say something

Quick a/n: the gifs that I use of Scarlett Esteves are kind of all over the place (sorry), but I'm trying my best to match her age on the show (8-11) to the story (7), so please bear with me since she barely shows up in the show Lucifer during her...

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Quick a/n: the gifs that I use of Scarlett Esteves are kind of all over the place (sorry), but I'm trying my best to match her age on the show (8-11) to the story (7), so please bear with me since she barely shows up in the show Lucifer during her younger years.

                    AS THE WINCHESTERS PULLED UP TO the asylum, they gathered their belongings before invading the building. Once they were ready, Dean hoisted Sybil up and started walking towards the entrance.

"I can walk, you know," Sybil remarked as Dean pestered the young girl by carrying her like a fragile child.

"And have you chasing after ghosts and fainting? Yeah, I'll pass," Dean retorted, generating Sybil to roll her eyes.

Sybil grumbled into Dean's shoulder. "This is why Sammy's my favorite."

Dean gasped slightly and looked at her. "You take that back."

Sybil stuck her tongue out at her older brother as they entered the asylum. Once they approached the south wing, the two grew reluctant to walk in at first. Sam turned on his camcorder as they stepped through the doors, and Dean turned on the EMF. Right off the bat, the EMF went insane, and Sybil could detect whispers but could not make out what they were saying.

While they roamed through the empty halls, it was evident that there was supernatural activity all around them.

"Getting readings," Sam questioned as he followed behind his brother.

"Yeah," Dean replied, "big time."

"This place is orbing like crazy," Sam announced. He looked up from the camcorder and noticed Sybil covering her ears as she shut her eyes tightly. "Do you hear anything?"

"Just whispers," she answered, "but they're getting louder and louder. They sound like they're hurt!"

"There's probably multiple spirits out and about," Dean assumed.

Sam proceeded to look at the camcorder. "And if these uncovered bodies are what's causing the hauntings?"

"We got to find them and-"

"Burn them," Sybil interrupted, remembering her dancing flame.

Dean's eyes grew. "Calm down, you little arsonist. All you're gonna do is watch. The time at the motel was your first and final time playing with fire."

Sybil pouted. "You're no fun."

Dean disregarded his little sister's reply before continuing where he left off. "Just be careful, though. The only thing that makes me more nervous than a pissed-off spirit is a pissed-off spirit of a psycho killer."

The two of them continued to inch forward. Right as the Winchesters progressed ahead, a spirit wandered across the hall behind them, making Sybil gasp softly. Sam and Dean glanced over their shoulders to see what she had witnessed, but the spirit was no longer there. Dean placed the hand that held onto the EMF on Sybil's back as a way to calm her while they advanced down the hallway.

Sam and Dean concluded that parting ways would be more efficient, so they split up, taking different sections of the south wing. Sam wandered around the room with the camcorder in hand, his lens pointing towards a figure with a butchered face. 


Dean put Sybil down and grabbed the shotgun out of the bag.

"Wait," Sybil shouted, only to be ignored by both of them. "She's trying to say something!"

"Shotgun," Sam called frantically as the figure inches closer.

Dean aimed at the spirit before barking, "Sam, get down!"

"No, wait!"

By then, it was too late. Dean had already pulled the trigger, and the spirit had disappeared into thin air. Sybil sighed, frustrated that she couldn't figure out what the spirit was trying to say.

Sam deliberately stood back up after the shot was fired. He stared at the space where the spirit had once been standing. "That was weird."

"Yeah, you're telling me," Dean responded, breathing heavily.

"No, Dean, I mean it's weird that she didn't attack me," Sam pronounced.

Dean peered over his shoulder before grabbing Sybil's hand. "It looked pretty aggro from where I was standing."

"She didn't hurt me," Sam revealed. "She didn't even try."

"She was trying to tell you something," Sybil interrupted.

Dean and Sam looked at the little seven-year-old, clueless to what she was trying to say. Before they could resume their discussion, the three of them overheard whimpering at the entrance of another room. They slowly approached the figure, which was hidden behind a disfigured bed. Once they got close enough, Sam pulled back the bed quickly, immediately aiming their weapons at it. The origin of the cries turned around abruptly in terror as the siblings realized it was just a teenage girl.

"It's alright. We're not going to hurt you," Dean reassured. "It's okay. What's your name?"

The girl slowly got up from her crouching position, whimpering. "Katherine. Kat."

"Okay, I'm Dean," he introduced. "This is Sam and Sybil."

"What are you doing here," Sam asked.

Kat restlessly rubbed the palm of her hands against her jeans. "Um... My boyfriend, Gavin--"

"Is he here," Dean asked, interrupting her.

"Somewhere," she answered. "He thought it would be fun, try and see some ghosts. I thought it was all just, you know, pretend. I've seen things... I heard Gavin scream..."

Dean went forward to console the teen. "All right, Kat, come on. Sam's gonna get you out of here, then we're going to find your boyfriend."

"No, no," Kat objected as she pulled away from Dean's grip. "I'm not gonna leave without Gavin. I'm coming with you."

"It's no joke," Dean affirmed. "It's dangerous."

"If it's so dangerous, then why is a little kid following you," Kat questioned, causing Sybil to fold her arms over her chest and raise an eyebrow.

"I'm more than a little kid, Kat," Sybil riposted, causing both Sam and Dean to stifle their snickering.

Kat stared at the brothers. "Anyway, that's why I've got to find him."

Dean and Sam glanced at each other, silently pondering if bringing her along would be a good idea.

Dean sighed. "All right, I guess we're gonna split up, then. Sybil, go with Sammy."

Sybil nodded and grabbed Sam's hand, following him as they roamed the halls, searching for Gavin.

I've decided to end the chapter here and continue where I left off in the next chapter since we are only halfway through this episode! Thank y'all for reading!!!!

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