Chapter 3

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"... Lucky we didn't hit her..."

"... Could be crazy... "

"... Said she wasn't hurt physically... "

Muffled voices slowly raised the young woman into consciousness. She groaned at the light that stung her dilated and unaccustomed eyes, grabbing the attention of the two men sitting out side her room against the wall.

The taller of the two reached her first. His brunet locks falling into his eyes blocked his vision of her before he pushed them away, revealing the slow opening of her own eyes. The shorter brother reached her other side as she blinked the fog from her mind to realize she was surrounded.

Violet. The first thought in Sam's mind was how he had never seen violet eyes before. They had done the barrage of tests on her unconscious form to make sure she wasn't dangerous: holy water, salt, iron and silver all against her skin until they were certain she wasn't a monster that would attack and kill them. But he had never known a being of any sort to have such strikingly bright violet eyes in his life. In the few seconds of thought he had he made a mental note to do further research and make sure she wasn't some uncommon or foreign monster that would kill them. For the time being, all he saw was a frightened woman who wore a tattered, short dress, torn holes revealed even toned skin on her abdomen, hips, back and thighs. Her matted hair looked to be about waist-length but with washing and brushing he knew it would probably reach the back of her knees at least. Her face was filthy and her nails were torn and ragged, bruises decorated her neck and wrists like morbid jewelry and the bottoms of her feet were bloodied and looked almost to be skinned. Sam noted with curiosity that she smelled like lilac and vanilla though.

Dean kept his thoughts to himself until the woman gasped and pushed with her hands and feet to the head of the bed she was laying in, her hands flying up in a defense stance and she began to cry out

"Don't hurt me!"

"Whoa, whoa!" Both brothers tried calming her, reassuring they weren't going to mean her any harm, but the girl was in hysterics.

"Cass!" Dean lifted his face to the ceiling and cried out the name, his booming voice echoing against the bare walls.

Cass appeared. His tan trench coat settled against his body as he stood at the foot of the bed. The woman looked up in surprise, her cries silenced as she stared in wonder at the man who faced her.

"I... I see you," she said quietly. All three men looked at each other with furrowed brows.

"What is your name?" the woman demanded of the cerulean-eyed addition to her visitors.

"I am Castiel. I am an angel of the—"

"Castiel," the woman breathed, her violet eyes glowed as she whispered his name. "I demand you be by my side and protect me from harm."

Cass stared into her eyes and moved to her side, pushing Sam out of the way, and took her by the hand.

"Nothing will harm you; I swear it."

"Um, Cass?" Dean looked at his friend from across the bed in confusion and rising protective anger. "Did that purple-eyed chick just witch you?" His grass-green eyes turned to look into her violet ones, now looking at him without the unnatural glow.

"We've ganked monsters for less, now release him from whatever hypnosis or voodoo crap you just laid into him or you won't be breathing in the next few seconds." His low, even tone tightened a knot in the woman's stomach, he really meant to kill her.

"No, Dean," answered the angel, his graveled voice calming and accompanied with a small smile. "Angels cannot be hypnotized and since we have no soul, we can't be effected by voodoo, either. This woman is more than that. She's... compelling. Not a witch. Not even Rowena matches what I felt try to pull from me."

Before Dean could further question him, the woman looked sharply up at the angel holding onto her hand.

"What do you mean, tried? You came by my side and reassured me..."

"I have known demon powers used against me, angel powers of course and other mystical influences on my person. But you..." Cass tightened the grip he had on her and stared intently with his flashing blue eyes.

"I know you..." his voice trailed off.

"Is this a secret you would like to share with the rest of the class, Castiel?" Sam asked, still annoyed from being pushed to the side by a being a foot shorter than he was.

"Why are you here?" Castiel continued to talk to the woman, both now oblivious to the other two standing in the room with them. The woman's eyes instantly filled with tears but she didn't break eye contact with the angel, not even when they began to fall silently on her cheeks.

"I only meant to catch the film, but they caught me. A group of horrible men. I tried to compel them but they wouldn't give me their names, only laughed as they tore at my dress and ... A man stood at the end of the alley. I knew his name. I called it. He killed them but when it came time for me to release him and thank him for his help, his eyes grew black and he took me... somewhere." The woman looked at Dean, who had walked to the other side of the bed to stand behind both Cass and Sam, before looking back to Castiel.

"I broke free when he had left to get... something," she shook her head. "I don't know what, but it gave me an out. I called one of his keepers to me and had them release my bonds before I ran.

"I don't know how many days I ran, how many nights I huddled, praying that they wouldn't find me. But when I saw the bright lights coming at me... "

"What?" Castiel gently coaxed her to finish her tale.

"I almost wanted them to end my life," she whispered, looking down as tears fell onto the ripped skirt barely covering her thighs.

As Sam and Dean looked on, Cass released her hand and bent over her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and bringing her to his chest, comforting her as she cried against his white business shirt and blue tie.

"It's over," Castiel cooed at her, trying to comfort her. "Those demons won't find you, this place, it is a sanctuary heavily warded against all manners of things. I only can enter without being hurt by the warding and I assure you, you are perfectly invisible here. These men, Sam and Dean, and I will protect you."

"Cass," Dean leaned over and placed a hand on Castiel's shoulder. "A word?"

"Rest," Castiel murmured into the weeping woman's hair. "We will figure this out."

The woman clutched tight onto Castiel's hand once again. He pulled away slightly and kissed her forehead, a light shining between his lips and her skin, Castiel's power calming her and bidding her to do as he requested. She nodded and let it go, watching the three figures leave her Spartan room and closing the door behind them before laying upon the bed and closing her eyes against her recent memories.

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